Dark areas often exist in gray image as light and other reasons, hence, in these areas the image detail can not be directly identified.
If the actual output current of the larger equipment, the output module can not be directly driven, to increase links to enlarge the middle.
Due to the reasons such as light, dark areas often exist in common gray image, and in these areas the image detail can not be directly identified.
Traditional data mining algorithm is oriented relational database and data warehouse, and can not be directly used for data mining in XML documents.
However, the perturbation methods for distinct or repeated eigenvalues can not be directly used to deal with the vibration modes with close eigenvalues.
The results of the present experimental studies can not be directly used for field practices, and need to be improved and have to face a great challenge.
When the data is suspended, it can not be directly contacted with other metals, such as wood or rubber sheet should be added to the non - metallic materials.
But this partial differential equation can not be directly integral, so usually use Navier method, Rayleigh Ritz method and finite difference method and other methods.
In rational deterrence theory mutual deterrence is considered as a kind of bargaining process, but the classical Rubinstein bargaining model can not be directly applied to it.
But because of different imaging types, SAR image has large difference with optical image, techniques adapt to optical image registration can not be directly used to SAR image registration.
There is a large number of pinnoite ore in Dachaidan area of Qinghai province, these boron resources can not be directly used as raw materials for boron chemicals because of low grade (less than 10%).
Anyone can write use cases to the level of detail shown in Figure 2, so why not have the business experts, the people who understand the business, be directly involved in writing them?
This information can then be included as part of the optimizer decision during costing for selectivity and cardinality estimates for qualified queries which do not need to reference the view directly.
Given the large number of agencies and initiatives working to improve health, not all of the major recent achievements can be directly attributed to WHO.
Since most companies are not in the middleware business, your effort can be more effectively targeted at activities that are more directly related to your business.
Not sure what the Church of APP will make of it, but I imagine there will be calls to see how these needs can be address directly in APP rather than outside of it.
Although HP sauce is not exported to Iraq directly, it can be found in a number of Middle Eastern countries, including Kuwait, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.
Those objects can be allocated directly on the stack (which is faster) and do not enter the heap or require inspection or removal by the normal garbage collector (which reduces GC).
Because WebSockets can send and receive at any time, are directly controlled by the programmer, and are not subject to proxy interference, the pipelining ability is safe and should not be disabled.
由于WebSockets可以在任何时间发送与接收,可以由程序员直接控制,因此它并不会遇到代理干扰(proxy interference)的问题,管道功能是安全的,不应该禁用。
The following code snippet can be used to check if yylineno is directly supported or not. Open a file named a.l with following contents.
Not all process steps can be realized by directly invoking a service.
Note that, although not needed in the example scenario, the option to paste directly into a target has a limit on the number of database objects and data that can be copied in a single operation.
As you can see, this code directly manipulates styles, which is not good, as that job should be left to CSS.
Carbon dioxide emissions may not be directly responsible for health problems at or near their point of release, but in aggregate they can cause lots of distress.
Last month, Mr Graves sued-not directly to get the money, but to be officially declared innocent so he can be eligible for it.
Organic lasers are not as powerful as traditional lasers made with gallium or indium compounds, but they can be easily printed or deposited directly on any type of surface.
A use case is defined from the perspective of the user, not the internal workings of the system, so acceptance tests can be created directly from the use cases.
A use case is defined from the perspective of the user, not the internal workings of the system, so acceptance tests can be created directly from the use cases.