Owing to its generative meaning, "Shan" can not be interpreted in one direction, but be interpreted in the shared feeling and understanding between readers.
Using XDR, data can be interpreted correctly, even on platforms that are not alike.
Now, I’m not sure how positive and negative started to be interpreted as good and bad, but for logical people, it can be very frustrating trying to make reality fit into positives and negatives.
Do not post comments that can be interpreted as demeaning, offensive, or that reflect negatively on yourself or the organization you represent.
This can be interpreted as the concept of never expecting anyone to do a task you would not willingly do yourself, whether that be excessive overtime or dealing with difficult people.
Because the lovers are so significant to each other, any innocent remark or action can be interpreted in a manner that the other person did not intend and hence be hurtful.
The result of the last message was not intentional, but there are always liable to be a number of ways that they can be interpreted.
But I think you'll agree that it is not very satisfactory to write something that can be interpreted in three different ways.
The flooded strata are often wrongly interpreted as oil layers by use of conventional log interpretation, mainly due to the formation water resistivity can not be determined accurately.
Now, I'm not sure how positive and negative started to be interpreted as good and bad, but for logical people, it can be very frustrating trying to make reality fit into positives and negatives.
MacIntyre seeks to oppose utilitarianism on the grounds that people are called on by their very nature to be good, not merely to perform ACTS that can be interpreted as good.
It has the higher degree of accuracy compare to the manual interpretation system, not only the major faults can be interpreted, but also minor faults, even some fractures can be expounded out.
The above results can be interpreted by that the magma came up from the upper mantle. There is not magma ch amber with low resistivity in the crust.
The above results can be interpreted by that the magma came up from the upper mantle. There is not magma ch amber with low resistivity in the crust.