Screw can not directly on the siding. If there is no nail groove, made a nail hole.
Intellectuality and rationality can not directly deal with these ultra logical categories.
Simple SVM can only handle binary classification problems; can not directly handle multi-value classification.
So, can not directly take the high quality of others to their own website on the site to put on the matter, as is not.
The point is that when one can not directly perceive a unit, one should directly perceive a concept that exhibits the unit of interest.
As the traditional control devices can not directly control by computer system, limiting the variable hydraulic pump in many areas of application.
Conclusion: the morphology of the gland cells, the reduction in real terms, and can not directly infer the inevitable reduction in saliva secretion.
Mechanical temperature control products because there is no display board, so can not directly understand the actual temperature in the hot water tank.
People should be like the river, towards their own purpose to flow, and encountered obstacles. Can not directly in the past, around the past, but can not stop.
SEP can not directly reflected the motor function of acute spinal cord injury, but it could indirectly shown the condition of the anterior path of spinal cord.
The market rate of interest can not directly substitute the social discount rate for its defect on preference revealing, interest forming, the reward of risk, etc.
All these lead to the enterprise can not directly apply the mature it information security technology to the information security protection of the industrial control system.
Unfortunately, most of them can not directly serve domestic market due to the models' demanding market conditions and high data quality that are the presumptions on which these models work.
It indicates that the modern scholars 'interpretation, which on the basis of direct understanding of "the Analects" can not directly demonstrate Confucius thought of Ming and supernatural being.
How can the hormone adrenaline that does not act directly on the brain have a regulatory effect on brain function?
The user-part computer can directly visit browser, which needs not install any application program.
To understand the benefits, let's consider some things that we can express in requirements but not implement directly in pure OO code.
Last but not least, the architect can now contribute directly to the project, by building (or helping to build) an artifact that the rest of the team can actually use.
Given the large number of agencies and initiatives working to improve health, not all of the major recent achievements can be directly attributed to WHO.
The PHP reporting application can read the XML directly, so it is not deprived of accurate data.
Although HP sauce is not exported to Iraq directly, it can be found in a number of Middle Eastern countries, including Kuwait, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.
The BSD part of the kernel calls down to the Mach part, but can call these functions directly, not requiring a Mach message.
It also gives you the ability to bind to native Objective-C libraries that are not wrapped, so you can interop directly with existing Objective-C code.
MonoTouch也提供相应的功能,让你能够调用那些尚未进行包装的原生objective - C函数库,所以你可以直接和现存的Objective - C代码进行互操作。
If the user can change Settings directly on the UI, do not include those Settings in the Settings view.
Not all process steps can be realized by directly invoking a service.
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While this does not translate directly into a CPU number, we can see potential bottlenecks or savings by understanding the changes in the semaphore usage.
While this does not translate directly into a CPU number, we can see potential bottlenecks or savings by understanding the changes in the semaphore usage.