You can also celebrate a holiday or get to know each other in your neighborhood.
Miss Liu, can you tell me how do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?
Put your plan on paper so you can look back on future and celebrate your well-earned success.
Whether you feel stunning or stressed, surrounding yourself with artists who want to celebrate your form can be empowering.
You can head for a long romantic drive to celebrate this valentine's Day. In fact this is one of the best romantic valentine ideas.
When you meet a goal you worked hard for, take a moment to celebrate the achievement instead of immediately focusing on what you can, or should do next.
You can come with us to the restaurant and celebrate, but don't get me wrong, you're still grounded... starting tomorrow.
Amazing! How you can play in a series that goes seven games, and down to the final tense minute at that, and there's still enough energy left to celebrate madly.
What is the most boring thing you can imagine doing? Would you do it for a whole week if you could then celebrate your birthday twice each year?
But can you really say the reindeer now "love" Rudolph and celebrate his going down in history?
Oh, he's over the moon! We're going for a drink tonight to celebrate, actually. Can you come?
I'm thinking one paint can of gummy worms And another of swedish fish. Is this how you and Nate want to celebrate Two months of dating With all things gummy?
No matter how gloomy a situation is, if you look for it, you can find a reason to celebrate.
Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, getting this type of news at year's end can be difficult.
If you like to celebrate father's day we can help with the best father's day gifts for father's day.
There are no hard and fast rules on how to celebrate the day but it is great if you feel like participating any way you can.
A loving family at Home can help you celebrate all of your successes, and bolster your confidence through your failures.
You need to talk about how you both feel and get it completely out of your systems, so that you can come back together in full accord. Later you can celebrate your renewed commitment.
April Fool's Day is tomorrow, and to help you celebrate, we've got a list of the top 10 tech pranks you can pull on your friends and family.
The list of bizarre holiday days is probably longer than you'd imagine. If you're bored, try looking on the internet and see what you can celebrate to put a little fun in your day.
The remainder of time belongs to you. You can celebrate it in your own way, enjoy your evening!
Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you will find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding.
Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you will find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding.