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读者你可以利用Twitter在 @mthacks上跟随马克,你也可以在 @marshallk跟随我,你还可以在@readwriteweb 跟随整个读写网团队的活动。
If you are enjoying this blog, please feel free to subscribe to posts either by RSS or email, you can also follow me on Twitter, which is nice cos all the cool peeps are doing it!
Heck, you can even follow me on Twitter and find out whenever a post of mine goes up on my Digital Home column or here on Webware.
I would surely like to know if you have some more information about it. Till then you can follow me on twitter here.
On the other hand, if you like to consider the character, the circumstance, and follow the clues — like me, you can come up with a scenario that works for you.
It was a book about recognizing your feelings so you can understand them and not let them control you. It gave me lessons to follow and some great advice. I feel I have come a long way.
To this suggestion Ma Teng replied, “You remain here guarding Xiliang with your Qiang troops. My other sons, Xiu and Tie, and my nephew Ma Dai can follow me.
My sweetheart is the greatest hero in the world, I know that someday he would fight wearing colorful clothing, follow bridge to meet me, today you can come?
My sweetheart is a matchless hero, I know that one day he would fight wearing colorful clothing, follow Bridge to meet me, today you can come? Weaver you!
You can make mazes that follow the alphabet like the one in this month's "Let Me Try".
Now, if you don't mind, follow me, I will lead you to somewhere safe, somewhere no harm can be done to you.
You will follow a you don't like it, but spend a lifetime also don't hate people? Who can tell me?
You can bid her go to the Grange at once, if she be able, and carry a message from me, that her young lady will follow in time to attend the squire's funeral.
Student:Could you tell me some sentences that I can use in a phone call?You know my English is poor; I'm afraid I can't follow you.
You can trust me, and I would testify my responsibility and carefulness in the days that follow.
Seeing the tiger still in doubt, the fox said seriously, "If you don't think what I said is true, I can take you to see all the animals. I'll walk in front and you follow me."
Seeing the tiger still in doubt, the fox said seriously, "If you don't think what I said is true, I can take you to see all the animals. I'll walk in front and you follow me."