For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof.
Next comes the human cannonball.
Maybe the CUV stands for Cannonball Utility Vehicle.
This process is akin to throwing a cannonball against a mattress.
Just then a clumsy guest accidentally drops a 12-pound cannonball over the side.
However, once I managed to cannonball in, I was as happy and carefree as an otter.
First you need to create a cannonball and apply the same material used on the barrel.
When we travel the world of mortals, unavoidably have sugar-coated cannonball, alluring trap.
If you first consider the modeling of the scene, you'll need a cannon that can fire the cannonball.
Since cannonball travels in the antenna beam of the radar, its echo signal contains Doppler information.
The reading system of typical fragments' average windward area is used to read the fragments' area of Cannonball.
Scarlett: Oh, go on. I want you to go. I hope a cannonball lands slap on you, I hope you're blown into a million pieces, I…
The metrical equipment of typical fragments average windward area was designed to measuring the fragments area of cannonball.
Jim abandoned his plans for a graceful swan dive and instinctively assumed the cannonball position - known for its magnificent splash.
The hot forming process of cannonball body semiproduct is mainly composed of four operations: pressing, punching, ironing, and shell nosing.
The conclusions and method of this paper can be helpful to design the inlet of improved range's cannonball theoretically and technologically.
Look at picture of cannonball flight and you will see they will describe it like this, as though at the end of the flight its dropping almost vertically.
The vertical threads in theweave of the fabric are space, the horizontal ones are time, and the cannonball can't distort one without distorting the other, too.
Mom take charge of situation , various sugar-coated cannonball throw to you but you cannot dodge, defeated calculate you deserved it, who let you don't have a rich dad and a wield power mom.
In this paper, the virtual prototype of fuze setback-pin was established in ADAMS software, the dynamic simulation was made in the case of the accident drop and projection of the cannonball.
To determine the reason of impact breakage of new developed plastic packing box for certain cannonball in drop test, this article derives the actual stress formulas in the position of impact breakage.
To determine the reason of impact breakage of new developed plastic packing box for certain cannonball in drop test, this article derives the actual stress formulas in the position of impact breakage.