I cannot bear it, and can no longer adore my Creator.
I cannot bear up any longer, I am fainting under this providence.
New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations- I cannot bear your evil assemblies.
月朔,和安息日,并宣召的大会,也是我所憎恶的。 作罪孽,又守严肃会,我也不能容忍。
If we don't have a hidden life with God, our public life for God cannot bear fruit.
Mencius said, 'All men have a mind which cannot bear to see the sufferings of others.
They all laughed at me when I passed by. I cannot bear it any more! I want to kill them.
当我路过他们时,他们都在嘲笑我。我无法忍受,我想杀死他们。 缳。
In that frozen moment the thought blazed, white-hot and searing: I cannot bear one more death.
He cannot bear the happiness of Xuxian who can marry with a kind, beautiful and charming serpent.
The trouble is that the notoriously egocentric Mr Ocalan cannot bear to remain out of the limelight.
I cannot bear its frightened appearance, as if it were an innocent person going to the place of death.
You know I always speak my mind, and I cannot bear the idea of two young women travelling post by themselves.
We are not in a position to accept your claim as we cannot bear responsibility for the unforeseen circumstance.
But I cannot bear to think that, and so I try to remember him as he was for those months we were given together.
I cannot bear to think that they should have all this estate, If it was not for the entail I should not mind it.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.
Again, you can turn off all these alerts if you cannot bear to turn your smartphone off altogether for a few hours.
Hindley will be there before you, "I answered: ' 'and that's a poor love of yours that cannot bear a shower of snow!"
Radiographs also are indicated when the patient has marked swelling and cannot bear weight on the affected extremity.
He threw down all the sticks and cried out, "I cannot bear this life any longer. Ah, I wish Death would come and take me!"
The traditional balance sheet as a result of its own inherent limitation, certainly cannot bear this task, and need improve.
Q: when was the year end of the ledgers, suggesting that "for the first year after use, do not need to perform over! " Cannot bear to.
The usual jealousy and love games persist, until kanji decides to give ri ka up, saying that he cannot bear the " burden " of her affection.
The relatives held up the photos of their perished loved ones, visceral reminders of the day they may hate to remember but cannot bear to forget.
The relatives held up the photos of their perished loved ones, visceral reminders of the day they may hate to remember but cannot bear to forget.