It means that one cannot enter the holy sanctuary, God's realm, when impure through contact with death or sexuality.
The friendly traveler cannot enter the United States.
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, UAE and Yemen cannot enter Israel.
Do what he will, the man of belief and dogma cannot enter into the realm of meditation.
Peter. Peter tells Mr Gyurcsany that he cannot enter, but he can choose between two hells.
We pace back and forth in each other world edge, cannot enter also cannot draw back actually.
A "security guard" is a person who decides who can and cannot enter a building for safety reasons.
The Lord cannot enter a body sullied by alcohol. Good, because I like to be the one doing the entering.
Thus, polar compounds cannot enter the brain but can enter the interstitial fluids of most other tissues.
And if you are coming as a student for the first time, you cannot enter the country more than thirty days before classes begin.
Users cannot enter any information in the editable field in a Virtual PC cursor mode, so they must change to another mode to make this work.
It may be frail-its roof may shake-the wind may blow through it-the storm may enter-the rain may enter-but the King of England cannot enter!
Mr. Wang: No. when it was build, public was not been consider. They were in the temple and imperial palace. Ordinary people cannot enter there.
It may be frail – its roof may shake – the wind may blow through it – the storm may enter – the rain may enter – but the King of England cannot enter.
The true cause of the peculiar disgust which we conceive for the appetites of the body when we see them in other men, is that we cannot enter into them.
Agoraphobia results in a severe restriction of the sufferer's life, as he or she cannot enter any crowded area and may become unable to leave the house.
Note that you cannot enter the PortType class in the Properties window until you have created the class by coding or by importing a WSDL, as shown in Figure 3.
There are some people even today who believe that finding a cast-of horseshoe brings good luck, and if they hang a horseshoe over a door, witches cannot enter.
It is absolutely fair and appropriate that a soul should advance according to their level of vibration, and cannot enter a higher vibration until they are ready.
Well I cannot enter into details just now; but it is necessary to explain that to embalm (properly speaking), in Egypt, was to arrest indefinitely all the animal functions subjected to the process.
And this is important: the buyers and sellers cannot coerce either the website or other sellers and buyers to enter into an exchange.
Diabetics cannot produce or use enough insulin, a hormone that lets glucose - the body's fuel - enter cells.
Diabetics cannot produce or use enough insulin, a hormone that lets glucose - the body's fuel - enter cells.