They could also be found wanting in many areas as they cannot keep pace with their peers at home.
At some point, the incoming money cannot keep pace with the outgoing claims, and the fraud must unravel.
However, this demand drives property prices beyond the inflation trend if supply cannot keep pace with demand.
Does the harshness of alpine and desert growing conditions for trees and shrubs mean that the regeneration of wood sources cannot keep pace with the demand for firewood?
The reason for concern about India's widening current-account deficit is not that it heralds a financial crisis, but that it is a signal of how supply cannot keep pace with red-hot demand.
Their thesis is that emerging countries cannot create enough trustworthy saving vehicles to keep up with the pace of economic growth, because their financial markets are immature.
Retailers cannot keep up with the pace of urbanization.
It is an indication of the fraught nature of the political-industrial complex in France that it cannot even keep up with the slow pace in Brussels.
But the most fast and convenient source may be Internet, by which we cannot only keep pace with society, but also enrich our knowledge.
But the most fast and convenient source may be Internet, by which we cannot only keep pace with society, but also enrich our knowledge.