Canted yoke design provides high start torque.
After deployment, the solar panel plane is canted by 30? To the spacecraft pitch axis.
If the object is canted at a greater Angle, there is no reflection of the ultrasonic pulses.
Four nozzles, canted outboard, split the exhaust of the solid rocket motor into four equal tails.
The combination of these materials heightens the all-around volumetric qualities framed by canted surfaces.
Hydrazine decomposition thruster with canted nozzle is being more and more utilized in space propulsion system.
The resulting form is a canted geometry for both stability and providing the ideal angle for smooth and accurate sharpening.
The feed was from left side, with magazine housing slightly canted forward for more positive feeding Ejection was to the right.
Yet as you circle around it, its canted walls distort your sense of perspective, making it hard to get a sense of its dimensions.
It uses the same J-85 engine as its propulsion system but has a twin, outwardly canted vertical tail similar to the Boeing F/A-18.
Many western towns are, in my opinion, canted a little off-center: a tad too hot in summer, or possessing just a bit too much winter.
The canted tails of the F-15SE allow for two additional weapons stations on the F-15SE's wings as compared with previous versions of the fighter.
F - 15se倾斜的尾翼使之和以前版本的F - 15相比,能在机翼增加额外两个武器挂架。
The flat body sides are aligned with the canted tails, the wing-body junction is clean, and there is a sharp chine line around the forward fuselage.
Giving it a much cleaner and streamlined appearance, most noticeably because of the greater Angle between the hood and the rakishly canted windshield.
What the imagery shows is a large fighter, approaching the size of an F-111, with a canard delta configuration and pair of outward canted all moving vertical tails.
图像所显示的是一架大型战斗机,尺寸接近f- 111,有一对三角形的鸭翼盒一对后倾的全动垂尾。
Among the throngs of sailors and servants, we could almost certainly have found a young Jewish kid with an overbearing father and a canted, humane take on human foibles.
Among the throngs of sailors and servants, we could almost certainly have found a young Jewish kid with an overbearing father and a canted, humane take on human foibles.