A negative capacitance effect in LDs is also observed under larger voltages or lower frequencies.
The negative capacitance effect was not from the phase of the current - voltage change, but from the capacitor resonant.
For each segment, the blood flow effect in arteries is combined with three lumped-parameter effects, i. e. fluid resistance effect, arterial capacitance effect and fluid inertia effect.
The effect of aging voltage on the capacitance and leakage current of al electrolytic capacitors.
This article makes deep research and analysis to effect of capacitance transmitter probe shape and overall dimen 'sions on sensing accuracy as well as errors of measured components on the probe.
Errors of the equivalent gap caused by the effect of equivalent capacitance and equations of error calculation are described in this article.
In this article, the action characteristic of phase current-differential criterion in EHV system and the effect of capacitance current compensation have been analyzed using EMTP simulation result.
This paper analyses the existing zero sequence directive current selective leakage protection principle which is to surmount the effect of distributed capacitance on it.
With examples this paper analyses the phenomenon of ferro-resonance caused by the grading capacitor and the effect of busbar's stray capacitance on ferroresonance.
The designed neutralization circuit reduces the effect of distributed capacitance and expands the application scope of the fundamental suppression circuit.
It is found that it is convenient to control the quantum fluctuations and squeezed effect by adjusting mutual inductance coupling coefficient in mutual inductance circuit with coupling capacitance.
The result shows, under different vibration mode, equivalent parallel capacitance and resistance are not constant value. There is negative damp effect in transducer system at the operating mode.
Small size, light weight, low loss, small inherent temperature rise, good self-healing effect, stable capacitance, inherent anti-explosion design, more safety and reliability.
The refined effect of electric pulse depends on the charged frequency of capacitance, oscillatory frequency of circuit and the density of current.
But, the effect of diffusible double-layer on double layer capacitance is re-duced and even eliminated through increasing pore sizes of carbon electrodes or electrolyte concentration.
Aluminum foil for capacitor cathode: effect of pretreatment and etching on specific capacitance.
The effect of the mass of KOH on the absorption characteristic, the pore size distribution and the capacitance characteristic of the activated carbon obtained were investigated.
The air gap capacitance sensors with distinct composition have been developed for reducing aperture effect.
According to the analyses and experiments, the effect on distributive capacitance is the first of all, and the wave's quality is improved to a certain extant by corrected bus driver circuit.
A distributed transmission line model is used for the proposed algorithm and the effect of capacitance considered explicitly.
The orthogonal coupling error, non-linear of the drive mode, temperature effect and parasitic capacitance of a fully-symmetrical micro gyroscope are test and analyzed in this paper.
The effect of the diffusion capacitance can be troublesome.
Thus, even large values of capacitance shunting the input will have negligible effect on rise time.
But the distributed capacitance of connecting wire and the temperature have a bigger effect on the accuracy of this kind sensor, the increase of the sensor's precision was constrained.
The signal-to-noise ratio of the silicon capacitance microphone is improved, and the shielding effect is favorable.
提高 了硅电容麦克风的信噪比,屏蔽效果好。
Experiments result shows that this control system increase work efficiency and power factor by applying nearby capacitance compensation theory. The control system processes fine saving energy effect.
The results shows severe field distortion at conductor and earthing top of insulator which stress is in more than 10 times higher than at central part due to effect of distributed capacitance of H.
The high frequency parasitic effect of MOSFET is emphasis on, included gate resistance, substrate resistance, and parasitic capacitance.
They are based on the principle of silicon piezoresistive effect, mobility change, and variable capacitance respectively.
They are based on the principle of silicon piezoresistive effect, mobility change, and variable capacitance respectively.