The ship was reported to be traveling from the town of Minova to the city of Bukavu, the capital of South Kivu province.
There has been substantial growth in bulk exports since the early 1980s, which has made New Orleans the lighter aboard ship (LASH) cargo and Seabee barge capital of the world.
At seven o 'clock in the morning, we were on a train, going to Kiel, a northern city in Germany, after which we would take a ship to Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.
When in this state, the capital ship will automatically decide when to use the ability. This can be toggled by right clicking the ability.
It incorporates an Intellex II internal computer created to facilitate the droid's new database system of capital ship designs.
These defenses were designed against large scale threats, such as capital ship attacks, and were too ponderous to track fast-moving vessels such as Alliance starfighters.
Based on literature review and analysis of the mechanism, this paper empirically analyses the between ship of social capital, institution and economic growth, by Chinese province-level panel data.
Decades ago, a furious space battle raged over their world, and a shattered capital ship plunged into their primitive planet. The resulting environmental catastrophe poisoned their waters and soils.
As a large water transport tool with complicated techniques, ship has the features of great capital-investing, high risk-taking and serious accident aftermath.
Though primarily designed to aid capital ship gunnery, a TIE/fc can also provide targeting data to fellow TIE fighters.
Our company needs to purchase magnesium chloride (purity over 65%), magnesia (purity over 85%) and perlite from Africa and ship them to Tripoli, capital of Libya where we have a project going on.
The opening scene of SEIKAI NO MONSHOU is a chaotic space battle involving humanoid combatants in a huge capital ship against an unseen enemy.
While your frigates finish off the enemy structures, your capital ship can start bombing their infrastructure.
While your frigates finish off the enemy structures, your capital ship can start bombing their infrastructure.