It's so called capital asset pricing model.
In the capital asset pricing model, in finance — this is the most famous model in finance.
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is not suitable also because of Jointly Establish Hypothesis.
That will lead us into the capital asset pricing model, which is the cornerstone of a lot of thinking in finance.
Subsequently sharpe raised the single index model and capital asset pricing model Ross founded the multifactor model.
Indeed, the liquidity-adjusted capital asset pricing model shows how liquidity betas complement the standard market beta.
The capital asset pricing model(CAPM)is a method in common use for analyzing securities combination in mathematical form.
Effective market hypothesis and capital asset pricing model are also discussed here as the base of empirical accounting research.
In this paper, we introduce the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), Prove the separation theorem. and analyze the Shanghai stock market with CAPM.
Along with various accumulations of anomalies in financial market, the correctness of Efficient market Hypothesis (EMH) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) has been doubted.
First, the method of real options is used to study venture capital asset pricing model of a single period, and extended to the general model of venture capital decision-making of the N periods.
In this paper, a commentary and an annotation to the basic ideas and methods of the asset portfolio theory, the security portfolio theory and the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) are presented.
The model set up at the Marcovize asset allocation theory and the Sharp capital asset pricing theory and based on the use of the assets of groups and theoretical analysis.
Drawing lessons from economic Value-added concept, capital-asset-pricing model and Black-Scholes model, we have designed the phantom stock option plan of Liutie material company.
Drawing lessons from economic Value-added concept, capital-asset-pricing model and Black-Scholes model, we have designed the phantom stock option plan of Liutie material company.