Zhang Xiping, project manager at Beijingrealestate.com, is concerned about capital growth in foreign neighborhoods around Chaoyang Park and Lufthansa Center, in the eastern part of the city.
Zhang Xiping, project manager at Beijingrealestate. com, is concerned about capital growth in foreign neighborhoods around Chaoyang Park and Lufthansa Center, in the eastern part of the city.
Growth is boosted not because savings rise but because capital is allocated more efficiently, improving productivity.
But the company is also cutting its capital expenditure, which will hurt its long-term growth, and selling assets.
Central Banks in emerging markets have long used tools of this kind to control credit growth and capital flows.
We'll balance our focus on growth with emphasis on long term profitability and capital management.
Real return is the primary reason that emphasizing capital preservation to the exclusion of growth can leave you short financially over the long term.
Without it, growth would be dependent on Labour and capital inputs, and growth would be just a few percent.
And because these dependants make a claim on a country's income without adding to it, they also depress savings, thereby slowing the accumulation of capital and the growth of productivity.
That new demand brings hope for a solid economic recovery - fresh capital for businesses means growth and could lead to more employment.
In other words, taking care of your people and the planet ultimately translate into profit and the more tangible benefits of shareholder value, increased revenue, access to capital and market growth.
According to the textbook model of the world, rich countries export their capital to poor countries to foster faster growth.
Peter Redward, an economist at Barclays Capital, expects average GDP growth in emerging Asia of almost 5% in 2009 as a whole.
Lower capital spending, they fear, could be a harbinger of slower productivity growth.
While the Asia Pacific division is showing steady growth, it remains capital intensive.
The international financial crisis could deepen, with a more damaging impact on global economic growth and capital inflows to Indonesia than we currently expect.
As losses mount in the euro zone, capital may trump liquidity in determining credit growth.
But it said the extra cash "will also support the existing capital base to accommodate regulatory changes and business growth".
He identified a shortage of credit as a big obstacle to growth and a shortage of capital in the banking system as the biggest constraint to increasing credit.
Despite a gradual withdrawal of fiscal stimulus measures, moderate advances in consumer and capital spending are expected to underpin firmer growth.
The problem is that the Banks cannot generate capital fast enough internally to keep up with loan growth.
The world's most populous economy has been boosted by a surge of capital expenditure and strong export growth.
New poles of growth can be customers for the capital goods, services, and technology of developed countries.
Given China's high investment, it is not surprising that India's accumulation of physical capital contributed less than half the growth of China's.
Little was done to cool credit growth, or to halt the fatal reliance on foreign capital.
Little was done to cool credit growth, or to halt the fatal reliance on foreign capital.