Japan now has one of the rich world's weakest venture-capital markets.
But it still boasts the world's deepest and most liquid capital markets.
"It was the first happy week for markets in a long while," said Tobias Blattner at Daiwa Capital markets.
Though Banks lost most of their blue-chip corporate clients years ago to Wall Street's capital markets.
Still,the unit suffered a 30 percent fall in second-quarter revenue because of aslump in capital markets activity.
Keith Bachman, an analyst with BMO Capital Markets, said the company might offer refunds to unhappy customers.
Capital markets tend to be segmented due to the existence of various barriers to international capital flows.
Still, the unit suffered a 30 percent fall in second-quarter revenue because of aslump in capital markets activity.
"One does struggle for different things to say about it," said David Wolf, senior economist RBC Capital Markets.
There has been much hand-wringing over the state of America's capital markets and their ability to help businesses grow.
Prior to his move, Wilton was the head of the transactions and equity capital markets group for Norton Rose Australia.
This phenomenon nearly exists in the capital markets of many countries, but its degree of underpricing is not the same in different countries.
"The US fiscal loosening puts pressure on the emerging markets," says Nigel Rendell, senior emerging markets strategist at RBC Capital markets.
“美国放松银根对新兴市场构成了压力,”加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)新兴市场高级策略师奈吉尔·兰德尔(Nigel Rendell)表示。
But Richard McGuire, fixed income strategist at RBC Capital Markets, said he expected rising unemployment to affect spending during the rest of 2009.
Britain's toy market is similar to America's in favouring entertainment over education, says Gerrick Johnson, a toy analyst at BMO Capital Markets.
South Africa's economy is the most globalised in Africa, with a much higher degree of integration in global capital markets than any other on the continent.
There are real estate markets, foreign exchange markets, Labour markets, short-term capital markets, and so on; there may be a market for anything that has a price.
There also may be a silver lining: Banks may end up in better shape if weaned from an over-reliance on securitization, said Gerard Cassidy, an RBC Capital Markets analyst.
RBCCapital Markets的分析师杰拉德•卡西迪(Gerard Cassidy)说,也许还有一线希望,如果银行不再过分依赖证券化,以后的情况可能会好一些。
Larry Miller, a restaurant analyst with RBC Capital Markets, said expanding beyond its Fried staple offers a huge opportunity for KFC. But perceptions won't be easy to change.
RARELY mentioned irony of globalisation is that, whereas developed countries are sending more factories and call-centres East, Asia long ago outsourced its capital markets to the West.
A RARELY mentioned irony of globalization is that, whereas developed countries are sending more factories and call-centres East, Asia long ago outsourced its capital markets to the West.
Dr Bollen's algorithm, which he described in a paper published in February in the Journal of Computational Science, has been licensed to Derwent Capital Markets, a hedge fund based in London.
WHEN Deutsche Bank bought MortgageIT in January 2007, an executive purred that the American lender would help to provide “a steady source of product for distribution into mortgage capital markets.”
The financial services industry, comprised of banking, capital markets and insurance, is the leading adopter of offshoring services and accounts for 40 to 45 percent of worldwide global sourcing.
In today's global markets, greater profits may be turned into investment capital that could easily be reinvested in old-style eco-inefficient industries.
They have spurred a hunt for yield which, as widely broadcast, has sent too much capital to emerging markets.
Adding to the pressure on the industry's trading culture is America's Volcker rule, which restricts Banks' "proprietary" trading, or punting with their own capital in markets.
Adding to the pressure on the industry's trading culture is America's Volcker rule, which restricts Banks' "proprietary" trading, or punting with their own capital in markets.