JPMorgan Chase is pushing capital reserves provided by the funds' sponsor or its parent.
By developing savings and capital reserves, tax plays an important role in economic growth.
Transitional arrangements are in place to ensure that banks cannot slash their capital reserves precipitously.
Traders were worried about the firm's capital reserves and the effect of the rights issues on existing shareholdings.
As long as there weregreater capital reserves, leverage limits, and more regulatory oversight, WallStreet could remain intact.
More important, he knew that, as an insurance company, AIG was not subject to the same burdensome rules on capital reserves as Banks.
It will insist on meeting each new borrower personally before offering them a loan, and will fund loans from its own capital reserves.
Mr Barroso said struggling Banks must improve their capital reserves, or he said they should face a ban on paying dividends or bonuses.
The gradual breakaway from agriculture by the rural population has further intensified these differences, leaving the farming population has the lowest human capital reserves in all the industries.
Capital flows from official sources, plus tapping foreign reserves, will help fill the gap in some countries, but in others, there will-of necessity-be sharp and abrupt macro adjustments.
That is because it may deplete its capital by selling assets at a loss or paying interest on reserves to prevent bond purchases from fuelling inflation.
Given the severity of the downturn in the areas in which it lent most of its money, it would have needed far greater reserves of capital to survive without outside help.
The secret of good bank regulation is to “lean against the prevailing wind”; force banks to build up capital and reserves in good times so they can get through bad times.
However, prices can be very volatile, as they have been in recent weeks; that might require Banks to hold more reserves as a cushion against price moves, an inefficient use of their capital.
Robin Brooks, an economist at Goldman Sachs, has worked out a measure of net capital inflows from figures on countries’ foreign reserves and current-account balances.
Emerging economies, in net terms, have exported capital to the rich world as their central Banks have built up vast quantities of foreign-exchange reserves.
Banks are pretty much resigned to being forced to raise more capital and to keep higher levels of reserves.
Faced with a flood of capital searching for higher yields, other emerging economies, from Brazil to Korea, will build up eye-popping reserves rather than let their currencies soar.
What's more, ratings may set a floor under some capital requirements but Banks are supposed to top up their reserves if they have other reasons to worry based on their own analysis.
But this would imply opening up China to the whims of global capital - precisely what it has been protecting itself against (as its huge foreign exchange reserves attest).
China seems to have only two options if it seriously wants to reduce the level of foreign reserves. It can either accelerate the renminbi's appreciation or relax capital controls more.
Experts said that given the limited amount of capital inflows, the surge in the foreign exchange reserves in the first quarter was the result of too much "hot money" inflow.
Experts said that given the limited amount of capital inflows, the surge in the foreign exchange reserves in the first quarter was the result of too much "hot money" inflow.