I'm not suggesting capitulation.
At last, the emperor of Japan announced capitulation.
Bear markets often end not in capitulation but stupefaction.
Oddly, even market pundits who believe in capitulation admit they can't define it.
Investor capitulation is one of the final signs he looks for at a bear-market bottom.
The risk, writes Ms Shirk, is that "compromise is likely to be viewed as capitulation."
And Hamas leaders, though desperate for a ceasefire, will balk at any deal that reeks of capitulation.
The scale of the task and the bungling of the rescue make the bond market’s capitulation seem natural.
What seems like capitulation today will no longer qualify if the market goes even lower tomorrow. Mr.
Is there any doubt about this ongoing inflation capitulation and the beginning of sharp deflationary forces?
This is what passes for realism these days. But of course this is not realism. It is impeccable capitulation.
Investors are seeing good opportunities to buy, and that could be as a sign of potential capitulation as well.
Without a programme for unity and progress, resistance must sooner or later turn into capitulation or end in defeat.
Whatever they do, they will need to act fast to restore market confidence or the current correction could turn to capitulation.
Stage Five is Capitulation to Irrelevance or Death, which becomes more probable the longer the duration of Stage Four continues.
At the same time they respond by dragging out their final capitulation to our demands, in spite of knowing that their cause is lost.
Inevitably the cascade of capitulation led to that tragic moment when he weakly betrayed the final secret of his miserably desolated life.
The pressures upon the dark Ones are driving them to despair, as they are unable to prevent their ultimate capitulation and surrender to the Light.
In appraising the present situation, we should clearly understand that while the danger of capitulation has greatly increased, it is still possible to avert it.
With the rising of Hermeneutics, the writer summarizes and ponders on the object, capitulation and consequence of understanding from the perspective of Hermeneutics.
But whether Portugal's capitulation marks a turning point in the euro zone's crisis depends at least as much on decisions in Brussels as on those in the Iberian peninsula.
But the general trend of events will not permit capitulation; the obstinate and peculiarly barbarous character of Japan's war has decided this aspect of the question.
Getting all 17 members to agree to the enlargement took three very long months, in which time the markets were brought to the brink of capitulation on several occasions.
But we think it will avoid an outright capitulation and experience a more orderly decline due to the continuing interest from Asian central Banks in the single currency.
Even in case of an unconditional surrender, when the terms are dictated by the victor, they should nevertheless be embodied in a written capitulation as soon as practicable.
即使在无条件投降的情形,由胜方口述 投降条件时,亦应于最快时间内制作成书面文字。
Even in case of an unconditional surrender, when the terms are dictated by the victor, they should nevertheless be embodied in a written capitulation as soon as practicable.
即使在无条件投降的情形,由胜方口述 投降条件时,亦应于最快时间内制作成书面文字。