If you miss the caps lock key, it can be remapped by clicking on the wrench icon in the top-right. That's where all the system Settings live.
As in uppercase and lowercase. Changing case requires nothing more than pressing the Shift or Caps Lock key, and yet so few designers take advantage of this technique's potential.
改变字母大小写不过是按一下Shift或者Caps Lock键的功夫,但很少有设计师好好利用了这一技巧的潜能。
As in uppercase and lowercase. Changing case requires nothing more than pressing the Shift or Caps Lock key, and yet so few designers take advantage of this technique's potential.
改变字母大小写不过是按一下Shift或者Caps Lock键的功夫,但很少有设计师好好利用了这一技巧的潜能。