According to Brittany Ferries, only 17% of its car-ferry traffic originates from France.
This means another boat ride - but this time it is a car ferry, so I have a reasonable hope of arriving alive.
In the dry months of the year a simple ferry crosses a river in southeastern Sierra Leone; a car-carrying pontoon propelled by men with notched wooden sticks that lock to the guiding cable.
I was on the coffee rota after mass (which added an extra half hour or more to the misery) and the car rota to ferry the old and infirm.
After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor.
We parked our car just opposite of "Weissenkirchen", where a ferry is regularly crossing the Donau.
We walked onto the second car ferry, and were met on the other side by several Chevrolet Belvedere station wagons.
The islands can be accessed by either flying in from Seattle or by taking a drive-on ferry and using a car to navigate from island to island.
Required travel documents, public holidays, car rentals, ferry information, banking, area code and important phone Numbers, airlines and other helpful resources.
At the first of two car ferry crossings across tributaries of the great Pearl River, the fickle hand of fate inserted itself into the fuel line of our minibus.
So he might commute to work on the train or bus, but take the car out at night and on the weekends to ferry his partner on shopping trips.
From Radford Mill in southern England we drove the car over 1000 miles to the Scottish highland town of Oban, and then took a ferry to the island of Tiree.
Platform semi-trailer ferry as a platform dedicated drag car equipment, the front and dragging the entire body is divided into two parts, lifting platform board.
Another version of events says that "Lucky" left the blood-soaked car on the coast and took a ferry to France.
Another version of events says that "Lucky" left the blood-soaked car on the coast and took a ferry to France.