On the way, there was an announcement that the restaurant car was not currently accepting credit cards.
I repeat, there will be no restaurant car on the 11:32 to Tianjin now standing at platform 13.
John quickly parked his car, and walked inside the restaurant.
Confidence - knowing what you want and knowing how to get it: job, parking spot, relationship, car, house, good table at restaurant, etc.
In the few hours we spent together, I watched him position her gently in the restaurant booth and later in the back seat of his car, making sure to keep her upright and not to touch her private parts.
Some of the best sketches are inspired by people you don't really know but get a brief view of, like someone sitting in a restaurant or standing by a car that has been in an accident.
The four-star hotel incorporates 34 rooms and the car theme continues from reception to the restaurant.
My first thought: if you drove to the store, a restaurant, your friend's house, etc., what would keep another member from taking the car while you're inside and leaving you stranded?
The car draws up in front of the seafood restaurant where the Freeport staff are becoming ever more cheerful, unaware that rebels are watching them.
Don't allow anyone to use tobacco in your home, car, or even while sitting next to you in a restaurant.
If every restaurant in New York employs at least one actor, then every subway car seems to carry at least two - rehearsing for a part, or just daydreaming about one.
This caveat is not about the temperature of the food, but about the welcome travellers can expect in the restaurant car.
The first was to imagine they had $5, 000 in the bank. They could spend part or all of it on various luxury items such as a new car, a dinner party at a restaurant or a holiday in Europe.
We stopped at a restaurant by the lake for lunch and Dave proceeded to sort through his national flags so he could hoist the flag on to his car as he drove through Macedonia.
You wouldn't be able to install parts to repair your car, follow a new recipe, or select a menu item from your favorite restaurant.
Ever since the cable car went into operation, the restaurant has been provisionally located in the housing originally built for the construction workers.
It gets dark when they arrive at the restaurant car park. Jack drives the car to the gate and is stopped by a guard.
A lift a tastefully decorated restaurant a comfortable lounge with an open hearth and an attractive bar sheltered sunny terraces facing south and ample car parking.
Whether she is about to enter your car, restaurant, club, or anyplace with a door, you should always hold it open. If there are many doors, then hold them open one after the other.
Evan gets out of the car and goes into the restaurant. He speaks with the proprietress.
In what must rank as one of the worst first dates in history, police say that a man first skipped out on the restaurant bill - and then stole his date's car.
Nowadays, the ave of the capital is off-street, restaurant inn is numberless as the sand, those who write car filling shoe is one chirp of one battalion of 3 paces, 5 paces more.
They could spend part or all of it on various luxury items such as a new car, a dinner party at a restaurant or a holiday in Europe.
Sometimes he came home in the evening to find Janet in the middle of one of those depressions cancer patients so often get. In no time he got her into the car and drove her to her favorite restaurant.
I can now also mispronounce sufficient Russian phrases to greet the train staff as I squeeze past them on my way to the restaurant car and to ask Sergei, my carriage attendant, for a cup of tea.
Services include doormen, concierge for taxi/car hire, restaurant/theatre bookings, shopping delivery/services, dry cleaning/tailoringand car valet/servicing.
However we do have a local restaurant within walking distance and several just minutes away by car.
However we do have a local restaurant within walking distance and several just minutes away by car.