The noise level of passenger car tire was measured in a reverberation laboratory.
Second, the tire maintenance: car tire is "foot", in vehicle safety running, it plays an important effect.
In North America, white carbon black consumption is basically a car tire manufacturer in Europe controlled.
The effect of super fine active zinc oxide in radial passenger car tire tread were investigated by using two formulas.
Each piece is handmade from arecovered stock-car tire, and incorporates other found objects like oldbike tires and tractor-tire inner tubes.
Each piece is handmade from a recovered stock-car tire, and incorporates other found objects like old bike tires and tractor-tire inner tubes.
The static foreaft stiffness of radial car tire was measured by a tire static load tester with additional tire foreaft stiffness testing device.
Dead-cat hole refers to the space between the top of a car tire and the body of the car, in other words, the space between a car's tire and the wheel well.
Li from the airport to meet a friend on the way back accident: car tire out of control, the car down the highway after four different levels were injured, badly damaged.
The stress sensor and RF emitter was installed in car tire. It was transmited for receiver installed in car by wireless after gas stress data gathered which was processed.
Kim easily dealt with hiking along an open sewage ditch, spring with a car tire strapped to her back, floating for half an hour in frigid ocean waters and rolling commando? Style in mud.
When subjects are told to imagine themselves as 7-year-olds, they score significantly higher on tests of divergent thinking, such as trying to invent alternative USES for an old car tire.
The fourth part of the paper puts emphasis upon particular scheme for Car Tire Pressure Inspecting and Monitoring system. It includes the design of hardware, software and power down mode.
While waiting for a bus, he saw a man angrily kicking one tire of his car.
Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm while I change the tire for you?
Okay, I’ll buy your car at the agreed price if you throw in a spare tire and a jack.
In our case, these include home renovations, car repair and maintenance, car/tire replacement, gifts, computers/equipment we need for our jobs, replacement electronics, any travel, and so forth.
1:Don’t worry about the flat tire. No sweat! I have a car phone and a set of tools in back. Just let me get my jack and tire iron, and I’ll change the tire and have you back on the road in no time!
对于Jack说来轮胎瘪了显然不是大问题,因为他有汽车电话,而且车箱里还放着一套工具。所以他要Jill别担心,换个轮胎一点儿都不费劲儿。他只要取出车后面的千斤顶和铁扳手,没一会儿工夫就会把轮胎换好,让Jill开车上路。 这里的nosweat显然表示这是轻而易举、不费吹灰之力的事儿。
I loused up my chance to get that job at the radio station by showing up at the employment interview two hours late. But could I help it if my car had a flat tire on my way to the meeting?
As we headed back to Nicolas's car, we noticed a flat tire.
You're in a vehicle, like a car or plane, that has some sort of malfunction, whether it's broken brakes, no gas or a flat tire.
The concert was a standing-room only affair the minimal seating was made of recycled cardboard benches and cocktail tables were made with car-tire stacks.
She was driving with a flat tire and a broken wheel, causing even more car damage.
These come handy if the car breaks down during cold nights on highways or if one needs to change the flat tire.
Sometimes you just happen to be the person whose car runs over a nail in the road, and you end up with a flat tire.
It can also be a car that has built-in sensors to alert the driver when the tire pressure is low.
Some may show your car's speed as well (on the navigation map), although it's synced to the car speedometer, which typically runs off tire rotation and is subject to inaccuracies.
Some may show your car's speed as well (on the navigation map), although it's synced to the car speedometer, which typically runs off tire rotation and is subject to inaccuracies.