It would raise the demand for technologies such as carbon capture and storage, spurring their further development.
He is Principal Investigator for the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Consortium.
Scientists and engineers will work on technologies such as carbon capture and storage.
Encourage the deployment of carbon capture and storage as a practical near-term solution.
The distinct parts of this process, known as carbon capture and storage (CCS), are already in operation.
There was also a less optimistic picture for the prospects of developing carbon capture and storage technology.
In the long term, Poland is pinning its faith on clean-coal technologies, including carbon capture and storage.
E.ON and Centrica have both said they are less likely to build coal plants attempting carbon capture and storage.
Renewables will play a greater role than either nuclear or carbon capture and storage by 2050, the scientists predict.
No complete, full-scale carbon capture and storage plants have been built to date - the technology is still in its infancy.
That means that dry water could be used in carbon capture and storage methods in place of dangerous, highly compressed gas cannisters.
The ideal locations for carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems are at the very power plants that emit tons of carbon dioxide every day.
Image: New plant under construction at Edwardsport, Ind. could become one of the first in commercial operation to undertake carbon capture and storage.
Since researchers around the world have only recently begun to ramp up projects on carbon capture and storage technology, the fix is wholly theoretical.
"If in fact productivity is going down so much, the implication would be that less carbon capture and storage is happening in the open ocean," he said.
This roadmap for carbon capture and storage in Britain was put together during a workshop that brought together 31 experts from many CCS-related fields.
Some countries would like to see such credits expanded to nuclear power plants or to carbon capture and storage projects, while others strongly disagree.
McCarthy said it's unlikely businesses will use carbon capture and storage, because the technology is still in the early demonstration stages and it's expensive.
"Oil, coal and gas needs to peak at 2020 and then decline. Renewables, nuclear and CCS [carbon capture and storage] need to go up dramatically," said the report.
The other greenwash favoured by coal-burners is to hold out the prospect that emissions will soon be cleaned up and buried under ground using carbon capture and storage.
Secretary Chu has made carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology a priority and mobilized the Department of Energy's expertise and resources around this critical issue.
The scientists have focussed on the post-combustion method of carbon capture and storage (CCS) which aims to trap greenhouse emissions after fossil fuels have been burnt.
科学家们的注意力现在主要集中在了那些针对化石燃料燃烧后所产生的温室气体的碳捕捉及存储技术(CCS),即所谓的燃烧后(捕捉)法(post-combustion method)。
The scientists have focussed on the post-combustion method of carbon capture and storage (CCS) which aims to trap greenhouse emissions after fossil fuels have been burnt.
科学家们的注意力现在主要集中在了那些针对化石燃料燃烧后所产生的温室气体的碳捕捉及存储技术(CCS),即所谓的燃烧后(捕捉)法(post-combustion method)。