Through summarizing the study of coal combustion, one dimension unburned carbon content in fly ash forecast model is established in which combustion and heat transfer are combined.
The article discusses the theory and practice to reduce the content of carbon dioxide in coal gas through analyzing the effect of carbon dioxide on coal gas quality.
Carbon content in fly ash is a major index, which reflects the combustion efficiency of a pulverized coal-fired utility boiler.
In this article the main influencing factors of the carbon content in fly ash were generalized, such as the kind of coal, the diameter of articles and the running condition of the circulating system.
As a major economical and technical indicator of coal-fired boiler, carbon content in fly-ash is of important significance for the power plants to carry out a reasonable energy-saving plan.
The influence of calorific value of coal and carbon-content of cinder on the heat loss from solid incomplete combustion of the boiler were analysed in the paper.
Carbon content of fly ash is one of the primary targets of economy and technology in burning coal boiler, which reflects the burning efficiency of the power plant.
The effects of coal rank, cyclone and operation condition on the carbon content in fly ash were analyzed.
The effects of coal rank, cyclone and operation condition on the carbon content in fly ash were analyzed.