Enter a size under the SD card entry; this is a virtual SD card that's actually an IMG file that Android will use to store your Settings and files in.
For the highly skilled, he suggests a blue card (similar to America's green one) to ease the temporary entry of professionals and their families into Europe.
The anointed — buyers from Barneys, editors from Vogue, actresses like Claire Danes — were sent an engraved antique brass entry card.
He paused and then said, "Ma 'am, Ms. Dunne's key card shows a Pod Five entry event about a minute ago."
For a basic data form entry screen, such as an online credit card application, a rich client gains little, if any, performance boost because the user activity is limited.
When an order entry has to go to a credit card application, shipping, CRM, and partner application, the order entry application publishes the order once to a queue.
当订单输入应用程序需要与信用卡应用程序、发货应用程序、CRM 应用程序和合作伙伴应用程序交互时,订单输入应用程序将订单发布到一个队列上,并且只需要发布这一次。
The inner for loop enumerates all the files in the current working directory -- the wild card * (asterisk) matches everything -- and then tests whether each entry is a file.
内部的for 循环枚举当前工作目录中的所有文件——通配符 *(星号)匹配所有条目——然后测试每个条目是否为文件。
Because the manfid tuple in the card's CIS matches the entry in /etc/pcmcia/config, cardmgr binds the card with the orinoco_cs driver.
由于卡的CIS 中的manfid 元组匹配 /etc/pcmcia/config 中的条目,所以cardmgr 绑定带有 orinoco_cs 驱动程序的卡。
Please use capital letters to fill in the entry card and customs declaration form of the United States.
If you would like to be notified when your entry has been processed, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped card or envelope.
The card gives you free entry to 75 museums and attractions, free travel by public transport, free sightseeing by boat as well as several other bonus offers.
You have entered an invalid number or partial credit card or debit card number. Please check your entry and try again.
Upon winning, if you do not take your lucky draw entry card to the information desk before the event concludes, you forfeit your prize.
Renhere 'sed HD 5145 GPU (which is a slightly high clocked HD 4570) and therefore an entry level graphics card with DirectX 10.1 support.
Hint: If you are using the Homebrew Channel this will automatically generate a new application entry for whiite-linux on the SD card.
提示:如果您使用的是家酿频道这将自动生成一个新的应用项目whiite - Linux的SD卡。
For the convenience of your travel, please fill in the Entry Card with true, clear and complete information.
For the convenience of your travel, please fill in the Entry Card with true, clear and complete information.