Then he proceeded to recite his card number and expiration date before signing off.
For example, when users registered they had to enter the expiration date from a credit card.
The database table that holds credit card information contains sensitive information, such as credit card number and expiration date.
In example 2, the syntax calls the sequence diagram called Process Credit Card and passes it the parameters of name, number, expiration date, and amount.
在实例2中,语法调用叫做ProcessCreditCard的序列图,传递给它参数name,number,expiration date,和amount。
Before your card expires, a new card will be sent to you with a new expiration date.
The sponsoring bank then sends the card number, expiration date, billing address, the card verification value (CVV), and the purchase amount to the issuing bank.
The sponsoring bank then sends the card number, expiration date, billing address, the card verification value (CVV), and the purchase amount to the issuing bank.