Most of the students are only children, self-centered, don't care for their parents.
And the one-child policy makes it difficult for children to adequately care for their parents.
Perhaps many of those who remain are seeking money or status. But others ask for friendship, or a spouse who will care for their parents.
As baby boomers age and care for their parents, they and their children are recognizing the need for homes that are designed to support all stages of an individual's life.
One theory is that bipedality evolved in conjunction with the nuclear family: monogamous parents cooperating to care for their offspring.
Their parents believe that they should be educated to care for themselves from an early age.
As we've seen, wage earners are expected to care for not only their children but also their aging parents.
Every day, millions of parents seek health care for their sick children, taking them to hospitals, health centres, pharmacists, doctors and traditional healers.
Despite my parents' care and love for their children, I discovered their vulnerability and insecurity, their actual inability to protect me and my siblings.
Filial piety should not be expressed via superficial "performance", but via children's genuine care and love for their parents.
Now a pilot project in Southwark, south London, has found that teaching parents skills and techniques to better care for their children is having impressive consequences.
Their parents, it transpires, are still in the bush trying to survive but have given their youngest children to relatives - who have already dropped out - to care for in settlement.
Working two jobs, single-parent families, poor English language skills, and unaffordable child care all can conspire to prevent parents from doing what is best for their children.
We liked their nanny and their day-care center, but wouldn't it be better for the kids to be cared for full-time by their own parents?
The rest of their income pays for food and clothing and to take care of elderly parents.
It is a kind of guilt for parents not to give their children enough love and care.
"Parents and health care providers need to work together to create a smoke-free environment for their children," Hawkins said.
The couple's daughter, Chrissy, told the BBC her parents were in good health but wanted to end their lives before they were unable to care for themselves.
It was there that Hefley met Sister Rose Muyinza, who'd founded the Daughters of Charity in Uganda, with a mission to care for children who lost their parents to war, AIDS and other diseases.
"The main thing parents can do is use fewer body care products on their children or look for those products with fewer ingredients, " she says.
And for those who are already parents, we can make them more responsible and mature enough to take care of their own children and family.
Moreover, the parents should take care their children well, arranging suitable time and content for them to search the Internet.
Often, they care for their neighbors' kids, or the children of their parents' friends.
Often, they care for their neighbors' kids, or the children of their parents' friends.