Students are graduating with a variety of skills and interests, but often find themselves overwhelmed when it comes to choosing an ultimate career goal.
That was my career goal all along-to be a great teacher who turned people on to history.
A statement of your career goal in seeking a position is a good start to a resume.
Marty, 19, may have the most flagrantly impractical career goal, next to writing haiku.
My career goal is to work at increasingly larger firms and take on more challenging assignments.
My career goal is to work at increasingly larger firms and then take on more challenging assignments.
Are you using a one-size-fits-all-jobs resume and relying on your cover letter to clarify your career goal?
My long-range career goal is to be the best information systems technician I can for the company I work for.
The shift away from manufacturing towards a service economy has made earning a college degree a valuable career goal.
My ultimate career goal is to be a general human resource manager or recruiter for a high-tech or pharmaceutical company.
When writing about your time out of the paid workforce, only include activities that back up the skills relevant to your career goal.
For example, people with two mentors are 50 percent more likely to reach their next career goal than people who don't have mentors.
For example, people with two mentors are 50 percent more likely to reach their next career goal than people who don "t have mentors."
Coming from a family with little fortune, li never concealed his ultimate career goal - setting up a business and making lots of money.
If you don't have a goal (a corporate goal, a market share goal, a personal career goal, an athletic goal...) then you can just do your best.
Focus on accomplishments rather than job duties, and avoid adding unnecessary information about jobs and tasks unrelated to your career goal.
You are worried you are missing an opportunity and that time is running out to carry out a plan, such as starting a family or achieving a career goal.
MEANING: you are worried you are missing an opportunity and that time is running out to carry out a plan, such as starting a family or achieving a career goal.
By taking the time to zero in on a specific career goal and to plan an effective job search, you demonstrate to hiring managers your clarity and ability to manage projects.
The Maracana has also witnessed some of the most memorable moments in the history of Brazilian football, such as Pele's 1000th career goal for Santos against Vasco on 19 November 1969.
It was a snippet that stayed with me, as her partying lifestyle seemed contrary to such a career goal, and for a while whenever I passed her desk I would worry over the incongruity.
而她歌舞笙箫的生活方式看起来和她的职业理想一点儿都不搭调。 每次从她桌边经过的时候我总会禁不住想到这一点。
If your goal is to change to a new career, don't focus too narrowly on that one "perfect" job - otherwise you might miss out on something else equally good, or even better.
Or, your goal may include going back to school, entering a new career, or bringing your creative talents into a greater public light.
My goal winning us the World Cup was the most important event in my career, even though I scored more goals four years earlier, "the legendary striker said recently."
Why must one sacrifice two-thirds of their life working in a career they do not love to reach a monetary goal, then discover that money is not the answer to life's questions?
He helped to create a group called Global Youth Groove. Its goal is to bring western music to young Kenyans, and get them to consider music as a career.
He helped to create a group called Global Youth Groove. Its goal is to bring western music to young Kenyans, and get them to consider music as a career.