Unfortunately for them (and often the taxpayers), our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier.
But the industrial use of hydrogen-as an energy carrier that is both clean and free of foreign influence-seems to be gaining favour in business circles.
Therefore, it is fair to say a handkerchief itself is a green carrier of energy conservation and emission reduction.
Therefore, it is fair to say a handkerchief itself is a green carrier of energy conservation and emission reduction。
Hydrogen has become the most potential energy carrier in future for its renewable and environmental - friendly characteristics. Hydrogen storage technology is the key problem for hydrogen application.
It begins with a photon of light that produces the energy necessary to release an electron down the carrier chain.
The glucose transporter (GLUT) is an energy - related carrier protein located on the cell membrane.
The energy carrier for this fuel cell system is Methanol mixture with water, which are safer than gasoline.
Fluid itself is a medium of movement as well as richly carrier of energy, its variation of physical and chemical properties is the reflection of distribution of hydrodynamics to some extent.
Hydrogen, a clean energy carrier, is of great potential to be an alternative fuel in the future.
Based on the view of efficient using energy, the optimum design and numerical simulation system is developed for the hot-blast and organic heat carrier boiler.
For PRW, the seasonal thermal energy storage (STES) alleviated the dependency on aquifer for heat source or sink, and made aquifer as a carrier for heat storage.
Presently, hydrogen is the only energy carrier that can be produced easily in large amounts and on an appropriate timescale.
Exergy efficiency of a heat carrier boiler and its system has been analyzed, which gives the approach to make use of energy.
Wires in electronic cabinet, the carrier of signal and energy, are also the carrier of noise and medium that external noise inroaded.
To biomass as a carrier of energy from biomass is the biomass produced.
The electric energy data tele-metering system is an important constituent in power system automation and the implementation of power line carrier communication is a key component.
It is presented that one of the most important energy relaxation processes is the electron-phonon interaction, which determines the energy transfer from electronic carrier system to the lattice.
For applications in transportation, in particular, an efficient energy carrier is needed that can be produced and used in a closed cycle.
The Internet is an important carrier to spread mankind's fine cultures and promote positive energy.
IC Card and measuring meter which based on power transmission line carrier are the prevalent energy measuring methods which civil and foreign countries apply.
As the carrier of energy, the laser can be used in the treatment of disease; as the carrier of information, it can be used in the diagnosis of disease. The combination of the two forms laser medicine.
It is regarded as an idea energy carrier due to its clean, storable and high efficiency, which can relieve the world from the pressure from energy shortage, environment pollution, and greenhouse gas.
Hydrogen is a clean and efficient energy carrier and is expected to play an important role in future energy share.
A design scheme of multi-rate energy meter based on the broadband carrier of power lines and its automatic relay routing algorithm are proposed.
CoQ10 works as an electron carrier in themitochondria, the powerhouse of the cells, to produce energy and is also apowerful antioxidant. It is the only antioxidant that humans synthesise in thebody.
As an ideal energy carrier, Hydrogen has advantages of high energy density, high convert efficiency and cleanness.
As an ideal energy carrier, Hydrogen has advantages of high energy density, high convert efficiency and cleanness.