This paper proposes a carrier phase tracking loop dedicated for VSB demodulation.
Because of the frequency lock loop traction PLL filter can be designed very narrow, with very good noise suppression performance, to meet the precise requirements of carrier phase tracking.
The closed expression form of the maximum carrier phase tracking error caused by multipath effect is derived in this paper based on multipath signal characteristics and GPS receiver work mechanism.
The system uses time-frequency tracking loops to extract phase errors from data subcarriers with frequency interpolation to compensate for the estimated carrier frequency offsets.
Due to steady phase error, low-order PLL has a trouble in tracking frequency ramp signals, so that the receiver cannot lock carrier signals.
High precise measuring and tracking of carrier frequency-deviation is necessary to the realization of a high performance phase locked loop in carrier recovery.
In the process of signal digital intermediate-frequency received, digital down convertion, frequency tracking of carrier and phase locked loop are the keys.
This algorithm combines the block Pilot-aided LS channel estimation algorithm with a phase tracking algorithm, which can compensate the phase rotation caused by the residual carrier frequency offset.
This algorithm combines the block Pilot-aided LS channel estimation algorithm with a phase tracking algorithm, which can compensate the phase rotation caused by the residual carrier frequency offset.