Yet neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney promotes himself as tool savvy presidential timber, in the mold of a Jimmy Carter, a skilled carpenter and cabinet maker.
In 1980 we saw the arguments for Mr Ronald Reagan and made them: he seemed to offer better solutions to the problems that then faced America, and the West generally, than did Mr Jimmy Carter.
As we crossed the state line, I was convinced we could win Ohio, as Jimmy Carter had done in 1976.
In the 1976 campaign, Jimmy Carter put the question of character front and center, pledging complete truthfulness.
"Well, like all Americans, and I think people around the world, we are distressed at the death of a great man," said Jimmy Carter.
He picks Jimmy Carter Man From Plains: "Five minutes in, I was hooked."
Jimmy Carter builds houses for the poor.
The conservative critique of Mr Obama is that he is Jimmy Carter redux: a woolly idealist who thinks he can sweet-talk bad guys into behaving.
Two years after Barack Obama's hope-filled inauguration the mood in Washington is as glum as it has been since Jimmy Carter argued that America was suffering from "malaise".
He accused me of being a tax-and-spend liberal, a Jimmy Carter clone, and a waffler who couldn't make up his mind.
In addition to Mitchell, Hillary may want to enlist Bill and Chelsea to take a crack at solving this one, definitely Jim Baker and Jimmy Carter, too.
Jimmy Carter, who brokered peace between Israel and Egypt 30 years ago, assailed Mr Netanyahu for raising new obstacles to peace.
Carter made a campaign promise to get her husband Jimmy to establish a council on mental health.
In 1980, when voters were weary of Jimmy Carter but worried that his challenger might be an extremist, Ronald Reagan's amiable performance reassured them.
He advised Mr Obama to focus his attention on the crisis, or risk the loss of confidence Jimmy Carter suffered three decades ago.
Conservative websites are buzzing with comparisons between Mr Obama and Jimmy Carter.
Ronald Reagan trailed Jimmy Carter 39% to 47% ten days before the 1980 election.
It worked for Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.
How many words did, say, Jimmy Carter invent?
It served Ronald Reagan well against Jimmy Carter.
When Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in 1980, inflation had been high for years, hovering at 12% as voters headed to the polls.
When Plonski teaches the Jimmy Carter administration, he said, he covers the 1978 Camp David Accords, considered to be a major stepping stone to peace in the Middle East.
But hey, when Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in the November 1980 election, unemployment was 7.5% and inflation was, um, 12.7%, for a nifty misery score above 20.
Gallup's most recent two weeks of polling showed Obama with the support of 44 percent of non-Hispanic whites, the most since Jimmy Carter won 47 percent in 1976.
Two years after Barack Obama’s hope-filled inauguration the mood in Washington is as glum as it has been since Jimmy Carter argued that America was suffering from “malaise”.
The Annan declaration enjoyed backing from the likes of Jimmy Carter and Tony Blair.
安南的声明得到了卡特(Jimmy Carte)和布莱尔(Tony Blair)等人的支持。
The Annan declaration enjoyed backing from the likes of Jimmy Carter and Tony Blair.
安南的声明得到了卡特(Jimmy Carte)和布莱尔(Tony Blair)等人的支持。