XHTML can be used with cascading style sheets (CSS) to achieve presentation goals.
The MCS theme policy corresponds to the style sheets generated for those devices that support Cascading style sheets (CSS).
However, processing instructions are similar to cascading style sheets (CSS) for HTML documents.
The outermost tag is hidden from view using cascading style sheets (CSS) styles and is marked for absolute positioning.
A good practice when developing a UI is to use cascading style sheets (CSS files).
The Cascading style Sheets (CSS) style block at the top of the file is used for the drop-down list of auto-complete items.
Cascading style Sheets (CSS) : CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of HTML documents.
层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets,CSS): CSS是一种用于说明HTML文档表示的样式表语言。
Cascading style Sheets (CSS) is a system for applying presentation style to markup.
层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets,CSS)是一种将表示样式应用到标记的系统。
If there are posts, show them one at a time in a table - or, if you want to get fancy, do your own Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) thing.
This version of the browser, introduced in 1997, was the first browser to implement CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
The control provides configurable parameters for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) formatting while content is being retrieved as well as post retrieval of content.
The W3C provides a good introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
All stylistic concerns were removed from XHTML, and left to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which I will discuss in detail shortly.
Cascading style Sheets (CSS) : Define the style (or decoration) of the presented content.
层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets,CSS):定义所呈现内容的样式(或装饰)。
Familiarity with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is helpful, but not required.
熟悉级联样式表(Cascading Style Sheet (css))是有帮助的,但不是必需的。
These should all be set using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and the configuration system should specify which CSS file to use.
这些都应该通过层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets,CSS)来设置,且配置系统应该指定使用哪个CSS文件。
One way of getting around the problem of making text the same size in multiple browsers is to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), with either percentages or em values for font sizing.
要使多个浏览器中文本呈现的字体大小相同,一种方法是使用级联样式表(Cascading Style Sheets,CSS),在设置字体大小时可以使用百分比或em值。
In this example, the function is passed a string containing some Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) syntax, and jQuery finds the elements as efficiently as possible.
在本例中,一个包含有一些层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheet,CSS)语法的字符串被传递给函数,然后jQuery尽可能高效地把这些元素找出来。
The example we will use has to do with whether or not a client device supports Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
我们将要使用的示例与客户机设备是否支持级联样式表(Cascading Style Sheet,CSS)有关。
Instead, a well-written application should send data content to the browser and apply a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) file to provide visual effects such as colors and font particulars.
相反的,一个格式良好的应用程序应该将数据内容发送到浏览器并应用一个Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)文件来产生视觉效果,比如颜色和特殊字体。
CSS: Read up on the Cascading style Sheets specification — a simple mechanism to add style (such as fonts, colors, or spacing) to Web documents.
css:阅读Cascading Style Sheets规范——CSS是为Web文档添加样式(例如字体、颜色或间隔)的一种简单机制。
Support for Web standards — including Extensible Markup Language (XML), Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) — was improved but not yet perfect.
Add a little bit of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to web-app/css/main.css to ensure that the search floats in the upper right corner of the screen, as shown in Listing 16
给web-app/css/main.css添加一些 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)以确保search可以浮在屏幕的右上角,如清单 16 所示
You can also experiment with cascading style sheets (CSS) and bold, italics or even highlighted words and phrases.
Resources: images, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), audio, video, and HTML documents
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to present the UI components without explicitly modifying the application code.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)可以在不必显式地修改应用程序代码的情况下呈现UI组件。
(If you don't believe that, try to release any Web app without Cascading style Sheets (CSS) or inline styles, and see how that goes over!)
With CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) you can add display information to an XML document.
The future of XSL-FO as a standard is uncertain, because much of its functionality overlaps with that provided by cascading style sheets (CSS) and the HTML tag set.
XSL- FO在未来能否会成为标准,那是无法确定,因为它的许多功能与层叠式样式表(CSS)及HTML标签集重叠。
The future of XSL-FO as a standard is uncertain, because much of its functionality overlaps with that provided by cascading style sheets (CSS) and the HTML tag set.
XSL- FO在未来能否会成为标准,那是无法确定,因为它的许多功能与层叠式样式表(CSS)及HTML标签集重叠。