Accessing the elements is case-sensitive.
The case-sensitive name of the schema to be backed up.
The password of the hub database user (case-sensitive).
Repeat Step 5 for the request queue, specifying the following case-sensitive values.
为请求队列(request queue)重复步骤5,指定下列值(区分大小写)。
Tip: The same script creates indexes for both case-insensitive and case-sensitive queries.
If the file does exist, then you can have a pretty good guess as to what its case-sensitive name might be.
If Samba doesn't use case-sensitive access, then it is unable to differentiate between the two files.
The first child node returns results that satisfy a case-sensitive like operation on the networkId attribute.
When you create the index for each field, you can decide whether queries will be case-insensitive or case-sensitive.
This article describes this process in more detail and also explains how to revert to the default case-sensitive queries.
For this example, the search string is also converted to lowercase, resulting in a search that is not case-sensitive.
You can negate operators and perform case-sensitive comparisons if desired by selecting the appropriate boxes under Options.
Note that these comparisons are also case-sensitive. To do a case-insensitive comparison use a command similar to this one
Because XQuery is case-sensitive, lowercase table and column names would fail to match upper-case names in the DB2 catalog.
由于XQuery是大小写敏感的,因此小写的表名和列名不能与DB 2编目中的大写名称相匹配。
Now it would seem fairly trivial to map from case-sensitive to case-insensitive, but in fact it's hard to do it efficiently.
When it compares class names and attribute names, it looks for uniqueness in its container and USES case-sensitive comparisons.
The default for this setting is auto, which looks for a client extension field to indicate that the client supports case-sensitive access.
Something important to mention here is that ant properties are case-sensitive: env.workspace is for example not the same as env.workspace.
在这里有很重要的一个事情是,ant属性是事例敏感型的:env . workspace是与env . workspace不一样的范例。
For example, the index extension for the inverted text index can be parameterized to also support case-sensitive and case-insensitive indexes.
You can override case-sensitive matches with -iname, and you can traverse symbolic links with -follow. Here's an example that applies both options.
您可以使用-iname覆盖区分大小写的匹配,并且您可以使用- follow根据符号链接进行遍历。
You should be aware that in deference to case-sensitive languages, all references to a definition must use the same case as the defining occurrence.
When comparing operations, it performs a case-sensitive name match along with a comparison of input argument data types, and ignores return types.
In each XML file, you'll find a similar case-sensitive target statement that specifies where the content belongs in the navigation of a solution information project.
Incidentally, notice that DCMI vocabulary terms are not case-sensitive, since they will often be used in case-insensitive contexts such as HTML (pre-XHTML, that is).
It's possible, as shown above, to write a rename rule that converts case-sensitive files into lowercase file names, thereby causing clashes among previously unique file names.
To check the performance difference between queries in case-sensitive and case-insensitive databases, we created a regular database (case sensitive) and a case-insensitive database.
Note: I have found that I had to tick Case sensitive when entering data into the search box, otherwise nothing would return from the search.
Both user names and passwords are case sensitive.
Typically, an authorization check involves checking the complete DN of a user, which is unique in the LDAP server and is case sensitive.
An element usually consists of two tags, a start tag and an end tag, each of which is bracketed by an open and a close. XML is case sensitive and does not ignore white space.