A further appeal by way of case stated on a point of law lies to the High Court as before.
Although the idea of donating organs for transplants was not new, never before had anyone stated the case as movingly as he did.
Anticipating the future is easier if all current and future requirements are clearly and succinctly stated, but this is rarely the case.
Last year's Case for space report stated space was the second most popular factor motivating people to physics degrees.
As stated above, the weight of a use case is determined by the number of different use case transactions it contains. But exactly when does the system's reaction to a stimulus count as different?
Burisch has stated on record that according to the most recent computer-analyzed Looking Glass data, there is a 19% chance of the worse case scenario occurring, with 85% confidence in that 19% figure.
Some research has suggested that it is men, more than women, who yearn for marriage, but this may be merely a case of stated preference.
On Monday, Apple clearly stated that's no longer the case.
I believe we are the only media organization that has a clearly stated public policy about the materials that we will accept. If we take a case on, then we do it.
As a special case (implicit in yacc, rather than stated in the grammar), a 0 token indicates that there are no more tokens, and ends parsing.
Once a legal principle has been stated as the ratio decidendi of a case it will stand as a binding or persuasive authority according to the court in which it was formulated.
By using a normal laundry price, in case of any compensation, we will strictly follow the rules stated in our laundry list.
The Greek case (crudely stated) is that Macedonia is a title properly belonging a) to ancient Macedonia and b) to the northern Greek province that bears that name.
希腊人的立场(大概列出来)是:马其顿这个名字应当属于a)古代的马其顿地区和b) 希腊北部的马其顿省。
Having stated that Smith had a case, I must also recount that he wore his unhappiness on his sleeve.
The girl who firmly stated on a TV dating show that she would rather cry in a BMW thansmile on a bicycle is just a case in point.
The girl who firmly stated on a TV dating show that she would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle is just a case in point.
After I had stated my case, he motioned me to a chair and talked to me for exactly one hour and forty-seven minutes.
In this article, the optimization ideas of system analysis methods using in water power utilization planning are stated according to the mathematical models and a computation case.
In the case of a corporation, this form should be signed on its behalf by a duly authorised officer whose position should be stated.
In this case, the course of the technique implement is stated, analyzed the connection between over molding and twin-shot injection mold and the features belong to each other.
Without an adequately stated cause of action the plaintiff's case can be dismissed at the outset.
For, it must be stated to those who are ignorant of the case, that argot is both a literary phenomenon and a social result.
The case could not be better stated. It is for man to establish the reign of liberty in the midst of the world of the given.
Wolf's feminism by analyzing her use of "interior monologue" in her main works and points out that Wolf's androgyny is her ideal pursuit rather than the foreseen case as stated by some researchers.
Another case involves a Canadian who was insisted to work Saturdays as part of his regular workload even though his contract stated otherwise.
Stated mold material of case flame hardening and application examples.
The result turns out that the constant velocity medium migration equation is only a special case as the conclusion drawn in the paper stated.
When each had fully stated his case, the Ape pronounced this sentence : "I do not think you, Wolf, ever lost what you claim;"
When each had fully stated his case, the Ape pronounced this sentence : "I do not think you, Wolf, ever lost what you claim;"