Reservebalances and vault cash in banks, however, are not counted as part of the moneystock held by the public.
Various ledger accounts are used to record cash transactions; some common examples are cash on hand, petty cash, and cash in Banks.
Retail investors are growing tired of keeping their cash in banks that pay next to nothing in interest and are increasingly fearful of missing out on the stock market's continuing rise.
The continued proliferation of banks made it easier for those without cash to negotiate loans in paper money.
But the likely outcome in that case would be for Banks to conserve cash to cover losses, which also would reduce the capacity to pay dividends.
Many businesses are reluctant to cash personal checks on out-of-town banks. But with proper identification, you can readily cash traveler’s checks almost anywhere in the United States or abroad.
To reinforce their cash reserves, Banks keep another sizeable chunk of their money in assets which can be quickly turned back into money with little risk of loss.
Western Banks raised some much-needed cash by selling the highly prized stakes they had amassed in their Chinese counterparts.
Apart from technical challenges, it would also involve funnelling more cash from the Fed to Banks after a year in which both sides of the prospective transactions have been reviled publicly.
Most of Europe navigated the crisis in decent shape, despite funneling torrents of cash into their beleaguered banks.
Banks are simply sitting on cash in spite of the taxpayer bailouts - an example of crony capitalism at its best.
In that trade, investors bought credit insurance on Greece from big Banks, which serve as market makers in cash and derivative trades.
All of the Banks have received federal bailout cash — in some cases after being told they must — and some have openly bristled over mounting public criticism of their pay and their Banks' lending.
Brown said that European Banks are dramatically undercapitalized, putting them in danger of running out of cash and going bankrupt if investors demand their deposits at the same time.
A rate cut now might not even have been felt: the collapse of Lehman has triggered a mad scramble for cash by Banks, driving the interbank-lending rate as high as 6% in recent days.
Banks are also facing cash demands in other areas.
All this cash is being dumped into custodial Banks in the U.S..
It buys off toxic defaulting assets in exchange for cash and immediately reclaims the cash by selling the Banks' T-bills.
The turmoil in money markets revealed that some Banks put aside too few liquid assets to meet a cash squeeze.
That has forced Banks to scramble for extra cash in the interbank market.
It may drive investors out of cash in search of higher returns but it also indicates how anxious central Banks continue to be about the economic outlook.
Faced with more demanding standards from their banks and investors, somehave been forced to unwind positions in order to realise cash.
They certainly didn't pay cash. Instead, they issued bonds to the Banks in exchange for the bad loans.
Since the closure of all the Banks a couple of weeks ago, cash, too, has become scarce.Even the big hotels are now demanding payment in cash.
The outbreak of the financial crisis left foreign banks and Shanxi money houses reclaimed their short-term loans, individual depositors also withdrawed cash in a hurry.
In May it tripled to above 0.3 percentage points, suggesting that Banks are hoarding cash rather than making it available on the interbank market.
G-20 officials say the deal will require Banks to hold more cash in reserve (in case their investments go bad).
G-20 officials say the deal will require Banks to hold more cash in reserve (in case their investments go bad).