If you come across a wayward chunk of moon, don't try to cash in on it.
A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns.
Shopkeepers are hoping to cash in on the biggest shopping season worldwide.
But Gabon's oil reserves were dwindling and Bongo saw a chance to cash in on another hot commodity.
Designer stores are hiring Mandarin speakers to cash in on a surge of wealthy customers from China.
The physical market lacked activity, but some speculators could be tempted to cash in on gold's gains.
There was some media intrusion of course, lots of cheap journalists trying to cash in on this unusual union.
Many West End stores have appointed assistants who speak Mandarin to help cash in on the massive new market。
And as this special Mail investigation shows, money-hungry young women are rushing to cash in on their misery.
Goldman insiders are likely to view the suit as an opportunistic attempt to cash in on the bank's dismal public image.
The bad news is that with all the restrictions, there are few ways for outsiders actually to cash in on the claim.
Celebs soon learn they can cash in on their wedding by signing contracts with magazines worth millions of dollars.
It's one of the cheapest times to borrow but it's not as if consumers are flocking to cash in on low interest rates.
Craig Franco hopes to cash in on it with his Utah Gold and Silver Depository, and he thinks others will soon follow.
It was the smooch worth a potential "$10 million"- but Scott Jones, the Australian Romeo doesn't want to cash in on it.
I'm guessing someone wanted to cash in on search engine visitors typing in Twittersearch and not Twitter search; and bam!
我猜测有人想通过搜索引擎的访问者输入t wittersearch,而不是Twitter的搜索来兑现!
Chinese firms rush to cash in on Ivanka Trump. Dozens of companies in Beijing want to trademark the First Daughter's name.
Instead it has devoted more money to helping manufacturers, allowing them to cash in on other countries' consumer subsidy programs.
Several reviews in the Chinese media have ridiculed 'Unhappy China' as a blatant attempt to cash in on nationalistic sentiment.
Many stores in London's West End have appointed Mandarin-speaking assistants to help cash in on the arrival of the "Peking Pound."
There was the fact that Terry had enlisted the services of a marketing agency in trying to cash in on his status in World Cup year.
Australia's robust economic expansion in recent years saw many investors flock to the country in an attempt to cash in on its growth.
Evazan's habit of bragging about his crimes nearly had him captured twice by enterprising crime lords wanting to cash in on his bounty.
An unemployed jewellery setter has taken to combing the streets of New York with a pair of tweezers to cash in on dropped gems and gold.
This is not just a cynical way to cash in on a trusted brand; it is worth remembering that “Catch-22” is indeed one humdinger of a book.
This is not just a cynical way to cash in on a trusted brand; it is worth remembering that "Catch-22" is indeed one humdinger of a book.
This is not just a cynical way to cash in on a trusted brand; it is worth remembering that "Catch-22" is indeed one humdinger of a book.