We are heading for a crisis, with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services.
Even though shares for many firms still look relatively cheap, companies are opting to hold on to their cash rather than hand it back to shareholders.
Go ahead and spend a couple of bucks on some scratchers at your local gas station. Maybe you can win back a little bit of spending cash for a pack of cigarettes!
On my two-hour bus ride back from Guangzhou, cash and credit CARDS were stolen from my bag in the overhead compartment.
They have called on managers to use large cash reserves to increase dividends or buy back shares.
On one side are depositors, who expect to get their cash back pretty much whenever they want.
I recently left an international banking group and, after having lived for 18 months on the pay-off, have almost run out of cash and need to get back into the workforce.
He has scaled back cash crops such as wheat and maize massively, and focuses on exports of citrus and tobacco, which bring much-needed foreign exchange.
In addition, it has thrown money at consumers, through cash-back programs on purchases, and at partners willing to promote Bing ahead of Google.
Even more ominously, Americans cut back on a wide variety of discretionary purchases, conserving their cash for necessary spending.
Especially if you tend to carry a balance on your accounts, you may find that interestcharges eat up all that lovely cash back.
Pats on the back weren't enough, he wanted fast cash.
I'm afraid we don't have that much cash on hand. Could you change a little less today, then come back tomorrow to change the rest?
That's leading commercial Banks to cut back on lending and hoard cash in order to shore up their balance sheets and improve their financial picture going into the next fiscal year.
In the down economy all of the Internet players, including Google, cut back on capital expenditures to preserve cash flow.
8,600. That's how much more annually travel rewards credit cardholders would have to spend on travel to earn more than they could with a cash-back card.
There is less capital spending to cut back on: companies are already sitting on piles of cash.
There is less capital spending to cut back on: companies are already sitting on piles of cash.