When many people start keeping books, they simply record cash received for services rendered as revenue.
This leads to another important concept called "accrual accounting." When many people start keeping books, they simply record cash received for services rendered as revenue.
Article 9 When a debt is liquidated by cash, the creditor shall include the difference between the book balance of the debt to be restructured and the cash received in the current profits and losses.
He keeps the cash he received in advance and has limited his downside.
All of the Banks have received federal bailout cash — in some cases after being told they must — and some have openly bristled over mounting public criticism of their pay and their Banks' lending.
Moreover, Collins found that the executives who lead the good-to-great transition actually received slightly less total cash compensation than their counterparts at comparison companies。
Mr. Sebbag received $15,000 in cash from the agents for sharing the inside information, the prosecutors said.
Nazeera received a loan of $150 [LKR 15,000] and a cash grant of $50 [LKR 5000] to start afresh.
The video rental clerk enters the amount of money received (if cash) or scans the credit card.
While the 11-year-old magazine had been a cash cow for the media group, it had received a smaller share of the revenues, according to current and former staffers.
They received travel certificates rather than cash payments for their participation.
There is no charge (except for cash advances) if the payment is received promptly.
Last year, he says, with his parents in need of cash, he finally received a check from Mr. Pang -- for $9,000.
She received part of her salary in cash and the other part in materials to build her own house.
Once the children received the cash, the survey showed that they spent much of it on snacks and drinks.
We received cash, hams, turkeys, and countless boxes of candy. Wanda bought a few presents for the children. Most important, the entire family was together.
“More than 200,000 Sri Lankan families have received cash grants and many of them the passbooks that go with that,” Patel says.”This
Receive and record in the General Cashier's daily Report and in the daily deposit all cash and checks received by mail.
Any benefits received by you or your spouse other than in cash (e. g. shares, share options and valuable goods).
The workers received their wages in cash .
We received cash, hams, turkeys, and countless boxes of candy.
At the end of the service life of an asset, the net cash flow received or paid for the disposal of the asset.
But he's more evasive when asked if he received cash for an interview, sidestepping, That's in the hands of my lawyers.
Float is the dollar or RMB amount of checks that been received by the firm that are in the process of collection but have not yet been converted into cash.
Is an authenticated duplicate deposit slip received by someone other than the persons receiving cash, making the deposit and recording cash receipts?
The final profits and cash to be released to the club on completion of these property developments has not been budgeted by the club and will treated as a bonus when received.
But some critics identified weaknesses, suggesting the restrictions be retroactively applied to companies that already have received federal bailout cash.
But some critics identified weaknesses, suggesting the restrictions be retroactively applied to companies that already have received federal bailout cash.