The raiders snatched $100 from the cash register.
At the most cutting-edge retail stores—Victoria Beckham on Dover Street, for instance—you don't go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay.
I escorted the older woman to the queue at the cash register and then stepped back and lingered near the younger woman.
At the most cutting-edge retail stores Victoria Beckham on Dover Street, for instance you don't go and stand at any kind of cash register, when you decide to pay.
Be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register.
Skinner knows the restaurants are the only place the cash register rings.
Glen phoned the store in advance to ask how much money was in the cash register.
Little did I know that I would experience life on both sides of that cash register.
At all of these places, you pick and choose your own food and then pay at a cash register.
For every cash register, the final amount must be counted by both the cashier and a manager.
A lot of people are getting by with smaller paychecks or less money in the cash register.
Frequently, therefore, the cash register stays closed and the customer goes away disappointed.
Yet as an early form of managing information flows in American business the cash register had a huge impact.
Bozeman wiped his hands on the khaki apron he wore over his jeans and came out from behind the cash register.
We get exposed to BPA from a number of sources (including, according to recent research, cash register receipts).
One of them was of the barista behind the cash register and the others were of other customers in the coffee shop.
Following are the steps to implement the cash register accounting system on top of a complete from-scratch system.
As we poured cream into steaming black coffee, we heard the shrilling ring of the telephone at the cash register.
Then I take that back and staple it to the cash register receipt and give it back to you, along with your credit card.
Strolling through a small Middle Eastern store in a Boston suburb, I picked up a bag and walkedto the cash register.
John Henry Patterson, who founded the National Cash Register Company in 1884, would set the desks of inept employees on fire.
Then I had to break a roll of nickels against the cash register drawer to make change, and they spilled all over the floor.
Now copy the example policy module directory, copy the cash register policy files into the example directory, and compile them.
But when he moved closer to the light by the cash register to ask the bartender for a match or something, I saw it wasn't that.
He was very intelligent and got good grades. He also worked at a restaurant where he stood on a chair to reach the cash register.
With a set of buttons and a loud bell, the device, sold by National Cash Register (NCR), was little more than a simple adding machine.
Growing up, Paul worked many summers at his grandfather's gas station, operating the cash register, rotating tires and changing air filters.
She suspects her boyfriend, who likes to use a lot of Wall Street lingo he picks up watching business channels on TV, is shorting her cash register.
She suspects her boyfriend, who likes to use a lot of Wall Street lingo he picks up watching business channels on TV, is shorting her cash register.