I don't emphasize this cash sale of a company, but it does happen sometimes.
Amounts from cash sales should be rung up on a cash register at the time of each sale.
Cash cost and cash sale income are either the two important cash flow target, or the important evidence of the some financial ratio calculations.
They subtract this loan balance from the sale price and you get cash to buy another house.
Are you still hanging on to your Christmas cash or Hanukkah gelt? Here's something for sale: 10-day trips to the International Space Station.
There will always be people that would rather send a check, donate through an estate or put cash in a bucket at a bake sale.
Under this scheme, towards the end of each quarter Lehman temporarily swapped some of its assets for cash with another bank or investor, but booked this as if it were a permanent sale of the assets.
Because the deal was being recorded as a sale, the collateral disappeared from Lehman's balance-sheet and the bank used the cash it generated to pay down debt.
Occasionally cash flows come from sources like legal settlements or the sale of company real estate or equipment.
Though a share sale is unlikely to happen before the end of the year, an infusion of cash would provide the Glazers with financial breathing room and perhaps ease tensions with their fans.
To do so, he used Pirelli's cash pile of euro4.4 billion ($3.9 billion), raised from the sale in 2000 of its fibre-optics business to Corning and Cisco Systems, two American firms.
为了达到这个目的,他动用了倍耐力44亿欧元(39亿美元)的流动资金 ,该资金来源于其在2000年把光纤业务卖给美国康宁公司(Corning)和思科系统公司(Cisco Systems)的所得。
Fortunately I had built up some cash from the sale of my oil and commodity positions as well as savings.
Neighborhoods have a giant garage sale to assist in turning items no longer used into cash for families. All the while these interactions give each of you emotional support.
In the past, the in-store technology focus for retailers included the traditional front-end point of sale (that is, cash register), associated receipt printers, scanners, and displays.
Greece will benefit far more from a well-designed privatisation scheme than a fire-sale to raise cash.
Still hanging on to your Christmas cash or Hanukkah gelt? Well, here's something for sale: 10-day trips to the International Space Station.
Instead of boxing up and sending your old clothing, have a garage sale and turn your used goods into cash and donate that to a worthy charity.
Then the U.S. is confronted with the possibility that foreigners may sell their bonds or stocks and return the cash from the sale in order to return to their local currency.
Retail sales showed meagre growth last month as cash-strapped consumers cut back spending despite summer sale discounts.
Purchase of futures against the fixed price forward sale of a cash commodity.
There are stacks of red envelopes on sale, for stuffing cash in and handing out as gifts.
If the sale of goods concerns any cash discount, the revenue incurred by selling goods shall be ascertained in accordance with the amount prior to the deduction of the cash discount.
Cash crop is a crop, such as tobacco, grown for direct sale rather than for livestock feed.
Remember, you do not only make a profit on the sale of appreciated commercial property — the rental cash flows of a well-located office or shop space are considerable.
Cash Conversion Cycle The duration between the sale of a firm's inventory and the collection of accounts receivable for the sale of that inventory.
Cash Conversion Cycle The duration between the sale of a firm's inventory and the collection of accounts receivable for the sale of that inventory.