From 2005 to 2009, the Bank approved 16 conditional cash transfer programs in 10 countries.
It is not clear whether a conditional cash transfer program could work in the United States.
Some readers asked whether society as a whole reaps benefits from conditional cash transfer programs.
If conditional cash transfer programs are to work properly, many more schools and health clinics are needed.
As might be expected, the effect on poverty reduction is greatest when the size of the cash transfer is generous.
When a service consumer wants to buy a stock, the interface element calls the cash transfer operation before the buy process.
The research indicates that conditional cash transfer programs in Mexico and Brazil do keep people healthier, and keep kids in school.
Some activities may readily be carried out using pre-existing community resources, without having to wait for cash transfer from GEF SGP.
One of them, a conditional cash transfer that is supposed to help compensate for reduced fuel subsidies, was the largest programme of its kind in the world.
Conditional cash transfer or nutritious school meal programs can be targeted and effective at a relatively low cost, even of less than one percent of a country's GDP.
Accepting the need to compensate consumers for raising prices closer to world levels, Mr Ahmadinejad at first proposed a monthly cash transfer aimed at poor families.
He is the father of a simple and elegant idea, the Bolsa Escola, a cash transfer program that pays the families of poor children a stipend to enable their children to go to school.
Safety net programs - school feeding programs, nutrition, conditional cash transfer projects, like those in Mexico and Brazil, cash for work - can blunt the worst effects of this crisis.
For skeptics who believe that social programs never work in poor countries and that most of what's spent on them gets stolen, conditional cash transfer programs offer a convincing rebuttal.
What if the world's investors decided to transfer 3 to 5 percent of wealth out of cash and into hard money?
A cash inflow is of course the exact opposite; it is any transfer of money that comes into the company's possession.
If the coffee passes muster, the farmer is paid right on the spot - either in cash or by bank transfer, depending on the amount.
For a population who deals mostly in cash, being able to transfer money via a mobile phone payment system presents a huge opportunity to them.
That means it may only be a matter of time before mobile phones are used to deposit, transfer and withdraw cash.
Except for cases in which the State permits the use of cash to fulfil obligations, settlements must be made by means of transfer of bank accounts or bills.
The conclusions drawn from such an analysis are to transfer the surplus cash from a conglomerate’s cash cows to the stars and the question marks, and to close down or sell off the dogs.
Users can wire transfer cash, or use Facebook Credits, but that's it. Other third party payment providers have been removed.
But their implacable opposition to a modest cash-transfer programme for the poorest, implemented by Mr Colom's wife, Sandra Torres, betrays a complete lack of social solidarity.
A further search turned up eight cell phones, two computers, fake IDs, two dozen money transfer receipts, and $63, 000 in cash.
Brazil's main cash-transfer programme, called Bolsa Familia, provides help to 11m families, or 60% of all those in the poorest tenth.
Since 2005 Indonesia has won praise for cash-transfer schemes directed at the country's 19m poorest households at a time of rising food and fuel prices, followed by global turmoil.
Payment can be made by Bank Transfer, Bank Draft or in cash at your nearest Oxford office.
The cash income in the name of a person in the bank, with the prepayment name from the unit bank account transfer to your bank account.
The cash income in the name of a person in the bank, with the prepayment name from the unit bank account transfer to your bank account.