A stabilizer on the BHA positioned opposite the casing shoe reduces lateral motion of the assembly inside the casing.
Drills (kick drills) according to kick control procedures as required will be performed with the drill string inside the casing shoe.
The stage where the volume pumped places the influx inside the casing shoe (the shoe line), is important as well but has not been included in these basic phases in well control.
The reason for this is that the occurrence of this stage could happen before or after the end of phase I depending on the distance the influx has to travel before it enters the casing shoe.
The float shoe prevents reverse flow, or U-tubing, of cement slurry from the annulus into the casing.
The outer portions of the float shoe are made of steel and generally match the casing size and threads, although not necessarily the casing grade.
The float shoe also guides the casing toward the center of the hole to minimize hitting rock ledges or washouts as the casing is run into the wellbore.
The outer portions of the guide shoe are made from steel, generally matching the casing in size and threads, if not steel grade.
A float collar is placed at the top of the float joint and a float shoe placed at the bottom to prevent reverse flow of cement back into the casing after placement.
A float collar is placed at the top of the float joint and a float shoe placed at the bottom to prevent reverse flow of cement back into the casing after placement.