Usually what happens is that people eye each other until they are about eight feet apart, at which point both cast down their eyes.
Over the past decade or so he has cast a world-weary eye over travel, status and architecture, as well as writing a fine book about philosophers and an excellent meditation on Proust.
We try to blag our way through the conversation despite knowing nothing about the film, the cast, the plot or even what constitutes a masterpiece of directing!
"I thought long and hard about it over the weekend, made my final decision and Sunday night went ahead and cast the ballot and pushed the send button," he said to the reporter.
There will also be a live web-cast at 16.00 BST in which Hadow will talk about his feelings about the mission and what he's looking forward to when he gets home.
Unlike the dreaded null-pointer exception (which says nothing about what was expected to occur instead of the null pointer), a class-cast exception is relatively easy to debug.
But in the end, good movies are not only about the cast, the setting and the story–they have something extra which strikes a chord with the viewer.
Unlike, for example, a class-cast exception, a null-pointer exception says nothing about what was expected instead of the null pointer.
For problems cast as social contracts or as questions of risk avoidance, by contrast, non-psychopaths got it right about 70% of the time.
Some voters have had to wait as long as 10 hours to cast their ballots, leaving some analysts to worry about the lines voters might face on Election Day.
But one that's on my mind tonight's about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta.
He experienced awful hallucinations while taking the drug - he wrote about speaking to a man in a bar who turned out to be a shadow cast by a potted plant.
So as schools cast about to find the perfect, silver-bullet curriculum, Roots of Empathy offers a beacon of hope.
Again, it's about the cast (healthy or sickly) the reflected glow throws on your skin, not whether a color matches your complexion.
New technologies allowing voters to cast ballots via the Internet or other electronic means are catching on in the United States and elsewhere, even as fears mount about security of the systems.
There Jean Valjean halted, let Marius slide to the ground, placed his back against the wall, and cast his eyes about him.
But in less severe cases, the placement of a cast and a hiatus on the activity that brought about the injury are enough.
Harewood says: "We had white members of the cast and crew who said they knew nothing about this story."
Reese Witherspoon heads the unusually strong voice cast as Susan Murphy, a young woman who’s about to marry the man of her dreams.
He cast a glance about him, at his table, at his chair, at his bed which had not been disturbed for three days.
I jumped to attention, fly rod and fly in hand, ready to cast when the moment was right — when the sailfish came within about 10 meters of the stern of the boat.
What the rise of recent public rhetoric and practice has accomplished is to cast the first two in economic terms while forgetting about the third.
最近的公众舆论和实际行为涵盖了前面两种,愈演愈烈,投射到经济活动中,而忘记了还有第三种友谊。 但是,在我们的生活中,几乎没有人忘记了还有第三种——真正的友谊。
Hundreds of rare images and remastered stills are paired with stories from cast and crew about the 1960s "special effects" and inspirational moments in the writers' room.
Faced with the possibility of a lawsuit, bureaucrats at the state public health division have cast about for a semantic escape hatch , eventually settling on the phrase “physician-assisted death”.
由于有面临起诉的可能,所以州卫生部的官员找到了其它的安全词汇,最后他们决定起用“医师辅助死亡”(physician-assisted death)这个说法。
While the team and the cast of "Resident Evil: the Final Chapter" are busy preparing for shooting, a new update about the movie has surfaced.
So before you cast your vote this election year, think about whether your view is influencing your views.
So before you cast your vote this election year, think about whether your view is influencing your views.