Alexandra looked plump and awkward in her cast-off clothing.
Laid-off lawyers, cast-off consultants.
This took place in Cosette's chamber. Cosette turned towards the wardrobe where her cast-off schoolgirl's clothes were hanging.
As she had no longer any clothes, they dressed her in the cast-off petticoats and chemises of the Thenardier brats; that is to say, in rags.
Go, seek your minister, and see if his emaciated figure, his thin cheek, his white, heavy, pain-wrinkled brow, be not flung down there, like a cast-off garment!
The Jawas have built homes and tools from these ancient scraps, and travel the dunes in sandcrawlers, cast-off mobile smelters from failed outlander mining attempts.
Clyde Tombaugh, the head of optics at the missile range and the discoverer of the dwarf planet Pluto, took him under his wing and helped him build telescopes from cast-off technology.
He showed off his acting skills by joining the cast of Spamalot on Broadway as Sir Robin in January 2008.
This can be done – the majority of humanity can cast off the tiny minority of parasites.
Alone in the world, cast off by it, and with this sole treasure to keep her heart alive, she felt that she possessed indefeasible rights against the world, and was ready to defend them to the death.
He wants to cast off the peculiar curse that makes him a stranger to the village.
He will pass by your door with his clear cry, and you shall fling open your window, cast off your veil, come out of the dusk of your dreams and meet your destiny.
I don't want to suggest that Iran is a nation of women thirsting to cast off their chadors.
Mothers of Turkish soldiers who died in 25 years of bitter fighting have taken to the streets. War veterans have cast off MEDALS and prosthetic limbs in anger.
Anyone who wants Japan to cast off its 20-year economic funk will welcome that.
Forget the recession, at least for now in Japan, where it's time for some mystery New Year's shopping designed to cast off the economic gloom.
So while it's tempting to cast off big tech as a bloated footnote to the Internet's history, there remain some value investors who still believe the market will return to its senses.
In an effort to cast off its anti-science image, the Catholic Church has acknowledged the Big Bang, with one caveat - the Pope said today Jan.
To reach the everglades we have cast off from Sheraton Wharf at Noosa Heads and made our way past a millionaires' row of opulent weekenders and holiday apartments.
But it will take a lot longer for the bank to show that it really has cast off its accident-prone ways.
She agreed and was freed, then quickly cast off the frock and made her way back to the rebel army, where she was promptly promoted.
Minutes later, we cast off and headed offshore in a southerly direction.
Although Mr Reilly denies it, the more GM pumps into Opel, the longer it will surely take to repay the money it owes American taxpayers and thus to cast off the unwelcome tag of "Government Motors".
Tereza appears to me a continuation of the gesture by which her mother cast off her life as a young beauty cast it far behind her.
Tereza appears to me a continuation of the gesture by which her mother cast off her life as a young beauty cast it far behind her.