Precisely cast ductile iron gear has advantages of low noise, high abrasion resistance index and long service life.
On a certain condition, when the nodulizing grade of graphite of as cast ductile iron is grade 1 to 4, its mechanical properties are qualified.
在一定的条件下,当QT 45010铸态球铁的石墨球化级别为1 ~4级时,其机械性能合格。
The current industry trend is to weld the stainless steel exhaust components directly to cast Ductile Iron exhaust manifolds, which significantly reduces welding consumable options.
The distribution of chemical composition and microstructure for cracking socket of centrifugal cast ductile iron pipe, and the effect of them on the cracking behavior have been studied.
Its ductile cast iron enclosure ensures rugged and reliable performance in the harshest environments.
Constructed of ductile cast iron, it ensures maximum strength and endurance for possible exposure to acid wash down in pulp and paper applications.
Our products: Various gray iron, ductile iron, common cast steel, low-alloy steel, high manganese steel, etc various parts of architectural and mechanical engineering.
Our company can produces grey iron, ductile iron, compacted graphite cast iron, heat resisting cast iron, cold resisting cast iron, and corrosion cast iron.
The tests for the ductile fracture toughness and the contact fatigue are also carried out for examining serviceability and durability of austenite-bainite ductile cast iron.
The RE(Y)-Mg-Si-Fe nodularizer had been used to cast heavy sectioned high ductile nodular iron cooling wall castings.
I was founded in 1994, is a specialized in cast iron, cast steel, alloy cast iron, ductile iron casting processing units.
Crankshafts of as cast pearlite ductile iron have been produced stably by double random inoculation.
For insulating the body with 2-inch longer diameter, material is cast iron or ductile iron.
Ductile cast iron as a light type material with fine mechanical properties has been applied more widely in the automobile industry.
In this paper the hot dipping aluminium technology of ductile cast iron and heat resistance of hot-dipped aluminium ductile cast iron are studied.
Defects control for crank shaft of ductile cast iron is also discussed.
Reasonable alloy elements could improve mechanical properties of the Bainite ductile cast iron.
The results show that the range of austenitizing temperature required for bainite hardening and the hardness of bainite ductile cast iron is increased as vanadium is added.
It is this nodular microstructure of carbon in Ductile iron which produces high ductility and shock resistance while the flake form of cast iron results in no malleability.
According to principle of damage mechanics, the evolutional law of damage in pearlite ductile cast iron has been studied under fatigue and tension loading.
The nitride layer was formed on the surface of ductile cast iron by gas multi-element penetration, and the phase structure and section appearance of nitride layer were analyzed by the XRD and SEM.
The bainite ductile cast iron has been widely used because of its excellent combination of hardness, toughness and wear properties.
The results showed that the CNT can in effect be added into ductile iron using lost foam cast method.
The enhancement of toughness and plasticity of quasi-as-cast bainite low carbon ductile iron is contributed by the large amount of austenite and acicular carbon-free bainite inlaying in the austenite.
Crack nucleation and propagation in wear-resistant bainite ductile cast iron were investigated by press trace method and SEM.
According to the principle of damage mechanics, the evolutional law of fatigue damage of pearlite ductile cast iron was studied with double arms electrical bridge for measuring electrical resistivity.
Select one of the major reasons cast iron ductile iron is lower than the cost of steel.
The effect, methods and precautions purified the molten gray iron, ductile iron and cast steel was introduced.
The effect, methods and precautions purified the molten gray iron, ductile iron and cast steel was introduced.