This is the postcode category of Castilla - la Mancha, Spain.
PP hints that the region of Castilla-La Mancha is bust or that Spain's health system will not survive the year also look alarmist.
Our two youngest goalies train with us now and we will decide which will be our third and which will play for Castilla every week.
Mr Castilla-Rubio sees ALERTS, and the PSI’s other projects, as “global public goods”—resources that everyone with an interest can share.
The Socialists lost control of traditional strongholds like the town halls of Barcelona and Seville, and the regional governments of Castilla La Mancha and Aragon.
To understand why water supplies become insecure, you first need to know two things that affect the volume of water stored in lakes and reservoirs, says Juan Carlos Castilla-Rubio, the firm's boss.
To understand why water supplies become insecure, you first need to know two things that affect the volume of water stored in lakes and reservoirs, says Juan Carlos Castilla-Rubio, the firm's boss.