And good advertising has a way of sticking with you, whether it's a memorable jingle, a clever catch-phrase or a beautiful image.
Every time Funny Bot throws out a catch phrase ("Oh Lawd, this chicken sho' is hot!"), someone hands him a dollar.
每次FunnyBot 说出一句口语化的话 ("OhLawd,thischicken sho'ishot!") ,就会有人递给他一美元。
Every time Funny Bot throws out a catch phrase ("Oh Lawd, this chicken sho’ is hot!"), someone hands him a dollar.
每一次当“滑稽马蝇”说出“oh lawd,thischicken sho'ishot!” 这句妙语时,总有人给他1美元。
His most popular catch phrase, "be very, very quiet, I'm hunting rabbits!" has become a household saying.
"Signs of Aging" seems to be a big catch phrase with advertisers.
Now his catch phrase has changed from“Master, how poor your taste is!”to“I can’t bear you!
The technology gives a new meaning to Tim Gunn's catch phrase "make it work."
You might also use the phrase to motivate or drive your own team to complete something – "we're playing catch-up here, guys" – as it can add an air of competition.
With such a gloomy vision of aging, it's no wonder anti aging is such a popular catch phrase.
EVF is the current buzz phrase in the elite swimming world, it refers to achieving a vertical forearm position as early as possible during the catch and then maintaining it through the pull phase.
"Jump huangpu" me sentence from Shanghai's catch phrase is refers to the old days. It can't live people. Here to throw himself into a river.
Now his catch phrase has changed from "Master, how poor your taste is!" to "I can't bear you!"
Do you think "big data" as a catch phrase is now being abused the way, say, "cloud" was?
The comment, which was reported in the media, exploded on the Internet, becoming the country's newest catch phrase.
When we first heard this catch phrase 30 years ago, it sounded so good and reasonable that we thought most people would be rich later on.
When we first heard this catch phrase 30 years ago, it sounded so good and reasonable that we thought most people would be rich later on.