Such short lessons are prepared to empty out the afternoon for further more outdoor activities, which always catch out interests.
It's the letters that come out of this exotic place that first catch their attention.
They could sail out for days into the unknown and assess the area, secure in the knowledge that if they didn't find anything, they could turn about and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds.
She says if she doesn't catch up, she will be left out.
Every time Funny Bot throws out a catch phrase ("Oh Lawd, this chicken sho' is hot!"), someone hands him a dollar.
每次FunnyBot 说出一句口语化的话 ("OhLawd,thischicken sho'ishot!") ,就会有人递给他一美元。
Indonesian fishermen hung fishhooks on kites and sent them out to sea to catch fish.
Sometimes dad comes too, but now I'm the one out in front, and he can't always catch up with me!
No visual clues: a liar won't get a long nose like Pinocchio but you can catch them out by listening to their tone of voice.
The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito.
For the same matter, a more successful person sees more and farther so that he can find out an opportunity and catch it to realize his aim.
If a fisherman sold the squid processors a proportion of his expected catch a year ahead and squid turned out to be plentiful, he would do well.
If anything, his father worked with even more enthusiasm than usual, because on Sundays he could catch the people who were usually out during the week.
Yes, casinos can do little about it, other than kicking you out if they catch you winning too much.
If you're trying to catch someone out, once they've done their spiel, ask plenty of difficult questions.
When I opened them I saw her reach into the box again and pull out a little blue cloth purse with a silver catch on it.
Events bubble up so you'll be able to catch the event and figure out which button it originated from.
Clearly, Apple is racing to catch up with Google and others who have already carved out large chunks of the fast-growing market for location-based services.
A few days later, as she was heading out of Manhattan to catch a flight to her home in Zurich, the professor phoned.
The bursts of speed needed to catch their prey tire them out - meaning they need to rest after a kill.
Keep an eye out for the beautiful, observe the unusual, and catch sight of the surprising.
Catch an offending query, get a recommended solution, carry it out, and note the improvement.
Another small frustration. Sometimes, as I ran with an empty bathtub to catch a dough emission about to fly out of the mixer, I slipped on a little bit of oil on the floor.
The FIFA team also concluded that altitude is likely to alter the aerodynamics of the ball in a way that could catch players out.
"But then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the American.
If you proofread your article out loud then it’s much easier to catch strange sentences or missing/misspelled words. A simple and effective tip.
Other studies are necessary, he says, to work out the relationship between reductions in catch rates and actual removals from stock.
Other studies are necessary, he says, to work out the relationship between reductions in catch rates and actual removals from stock.