Thee best bit about the holidays is catching up with friends and family so make the most of it.
For many people today, meeting new people, catching up with friends, flirting, gossiping, and relationship-building, takes place online (Boyd).
The survey found that the average lunch break is now split into at least seven activities ranging from shopping online, catching up with friends and family and sorting out personal finances.
They occupied themselves with simple pleasures: gardening, swimming in the surf, talking with their friends, catching up with their descendants.
Whether sharing drinks with friends, catching up on work, or just finding comfort in the luxurious seating area, Sour Diesel is sure to delight guests.
Two friends swiftly climbed up the trees, throwing down several clusters of litchis with leaves. Chen, Ye and I were down below catching them.
Not all of Kate's friends were there, and she will be catching up with other friends over the coming weeks.
Not all of Kate's friends were there, and she will be catching up with other friends over the coming weeks.