It is formed by linear causal model and incompatible disjunctive proposition.
This paper conceptualizes a causal model of scientific research team performance mechanisms on the basis of the transformational leadership theory.
The identifiability for causal effects under a type of assumptions based on conditional independence in a causal model is treated by equation method.
Scale and the distribution of poverty population, set the causal model to analysis the social-economic problems and individual factors cased by urbanization;
In the paper, a model based diagnosis using qualitative causal model and polynomial algorithm is presented, which has less computation burden and the correctness of this new algorithm is proved.
Spencer's territorial-expansion model argues that states arise through a mutual-causal process involving simultaneous territorial expansion and bureaucratization.
Build a system dynamics model of the project including causal loop diagrams and governing equations.
In two experiments, the effects of the causal relation and time representation on the situation model processing of texts were tested.
This paper describes the main idea and process of qualitative reasoning based on component model, and analyses the causal interpretation methods of system behaviors.
A structural regression model for causal inference is established to estimate the average treatment effect under strongly ignorable treatment assignment.
A new model such as the causal evolution model of spin networks is needed to describe a dynamics process of loop quantum gravity.
After analyzing each subsystem and the causal relationship with the other subsystems, paper constructed of the model, drawed respectively flow chart.
This paper uses unit root test model, co-integration test model and Granger Causal test model, to analyze the relation between international tourism and economic growth of Guilin.
By analyzing the growing process and the key factors, a causal graph and a system dynamical model, which can describe the changes of corporate lifecycle, are built.
A midst model between Causal Loop Diagram model and Level Rate Diagram model of System dynamics was constructed in this paper, which was named the Vertex Weighted Causal Loop Diagram model.
Also it shows that the causal strength of the causal network model can be derived from the information table by utilizing rough set theory.
This model implicates GABAA-receptor dysfunction in patients as a causal predisposition to anxiety disorders.
Also it shows that the causal strength of the causal network model can be derived from the information table by...
Also it shows that the causal strength of the causal network model can be derived...
The utility model unifies' stopgap treatment 'and' causal treatment ', and has the advantages of complete function, complete machine, high reliability, simple structure, small size and low cost.
The utility model unifies' stopgap treatment 'and' causal treatment ', and has the advantages of complete function, complete machine, high reliability, simple structure, small size and low cost.