Build a system dynamics model of the project including causal loop diagrams and governing equations.
This paper describes the main idea and process of qualitative reasoning based on component model, and analyses the causal interpretation methods of system behaviors.
The results of temporal causal graph can be used to detect fault by monitoring system operation parameters.
The system applies conceptual clustering technology to recognize outliers, and uses plan recognition and causal network to predict and recognize the target.
Index system of Balanced Score Card (BSC) is composed of causal dimensions including Financial, Customer, Internal Business Processes and Learning and growth.
Causal effect feedback structure of hogs supply demand system was established by applying theories and approaches of system dynamics, etc.
Based on theory of system dynamics, the causal loop diagrams of manpower, technology, money and market flows are analyzed together with positive feedback of industrial agglomeration effect.
The article USES VECM, ADF Test, Johansen Test, Granger Causal Relation Test, Impulse Response Function to accurately measure the process that the variables influence each other in the system.
Based on the feedback analysis theory of system Dynamics, a systemic analysis approach named Vertex Weighted Causal Loop Diagram analysis approach is presented in this paper.
In this study, the basic theory of constructivism as a basis for mining causal link geographically broad things, build the operating system of geographical practice.
The state feedback law stabilizing non-causal discrete singular system is given.
On the basis of causal ordering theory, this paper makes a study of analyzing approach on certain system qualitatively. In the end, the example given shows…
This tool evaluates system (or sub-system) failures one at a time but can combine multiple causes of failure by identifying causal chains.
A midst model between Causal Loop Diagram model and Level Rate Diagram model of System dynamics was constructed in this paper, which was named the Vertex Weighted Causal Loop Diagram model.
By analyzing the growing process and the key factors, a causal graph and a system dynamical model, which can describe the changes of corporate lifecycle, are built.
The system analyses the signal and tag the causal object in the image or video stream, and ranks them in order of the strength of the neural signatures.
The system analyses the signal and tag the causal object in the image or video stream, and ranks them in order of the strength of the neural signatures.